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More like living in complete chaos.

“So any new info?”

“My attorney suggested I file a temporary restraining order. So Easton is taking me to do that today.”

“Good, I'm proud of you. Probably should've done that a long time ago, but better late than never,” she says.

“I know. I'm nervous to leave the house, though, because Justin’s so unpredictable.”

“You think he'd do anything with witnesses around?”

I shrug. “Part of me thinks the worst. Wouldn’t be surprised if he tried to kidnap me and drag me back to Nebraska.”

“Like a true psychopath.”

I nod.

“Will you call me when you're back so I know you're safe? I don’t have class until this evening, so I’ll be around.”

“Yeah, of course. I'll probably have to find something to distract myself so I don't overthink everything. The moment Justin gets served, he's going to flip his shit even more.”

“Wish I could be a fly on that wall. I'd love to see his stupid face the moment he realizes you're fighting back.”

“It won’t look good for his career. He’ll be pissed.” But I don’t care. I’m only concerned about what this will motivate him to do. Retaliation is his middle name.

We chat for a few more minutes, and she gives me some details about one of the classes she's taking. Her chatting about watercolors distracts me until I have to leave.

“I'll text you when I'm safe and sound,” I tell her.

“Yes, please do. And Tate?”


She smiles genuinely. “I'm proud of you. I know this is hard for you, and just know you're doing the right thing. I'm glad Easton's by your side, especially since I can't be.”

Me too, I think to myself. I'd be lost without him at this point.

“Thanks, sis. I wish I'd done it a long time ago so it wouldn’t have gotten to this point.”

“Don't blame yourself for anything that’s happened, okay? Had I known how bad it was, I would've been on the first flight there to rescue you.”

“That's why I didn't say anything. I wanted to protect you too.”

“I understand why you didn't. Justin could’ve used a royal kick in the dick, though.”

I snort. “Okay, I gotta go for real now. Love you.”

“Love you too! You got this, sis!” she calls out, then I press the end button.

From the pep talk she gave me, you'd think she was the older sibling. But I adore her for it. She's young and hip but is also an old soul.

“Ready?” Easton asks when I come downstairs.

I nod. “As ready as I'll ever be.”

He flashes me a cute boyish grin. “We'll be back in our cozy paradise before ya know it.”

I blow out a breath. “I hope so.”

He casually wraps an arm around my shoulders, pushing me against his hard chest. “Don't worry. I'll be by your side the entire time.”

If he only knew what his words do to me.

I clear my throat and my mind. I need to think straight, which is hard when Easton's the most charming and gorgeous man I've ever seen. “Thanks.”

Easton drives us into town, which takes about forty-five minutes. About halfway there, he notices my leg bouncing and reaches over to comfort me. I didn't realize I was doing it, but he kept his hand on my thigh even after I stopped—which had my thoughts consumed by something else entirely.

After we park, we walk in and find where we need to go to fill out the paperwork. Though it's only temporary, it gives me a little relief for the time being. As promised, Easton stays glued to my side as I fill out the detailed forms. My hands shake, so it takes me longer, but he doesn't rush me. Instead, he rests his hand on my lower back to remind me he's close. When I glance up, he's looking around and making sure everything's secure. It gives me peace of mind so I can focus on doing this correctly.

Twenty minutes later, we're back in the car, and I stay silent. I can't stop imagining Justin reading those papers. This will only confirm that I'm in Florida. But I can't let him get away with this any longer, so I'm glad I did it.

I just wish he hadn’t put me in this position in the first place.

I wish he would've treated me better, like the loving partner he vowed to be fifteen years ago.

I wish I'd been stronger. To see the signs sooner. To walk away before it had gotten to the point of him completely controlling me.


Easton's booming voice shakes me out of my head, and I blink over at him.

“We're back,” he says.

I glance around and see the beach house.

“You doing okay? You were quiet the whole drive.”

I smile and nod, though I'm not sure if the reassurance is for him or me.

“Let's do something fun, get your mind off everything,” Easton offers, opening my car door.

Tags: Kennedy Fox Love in Isolation Romance