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Looking into his eyes, I ride him until he flips me onto my back and fucks me hard without skipping a thrust. He plays my body like a fiddle and what we have is perfect. Perfect for us. Being with this man for fifteen years has taught me a thing or two about what’s really important in life. Family above all else. We don’t keep secrets from each other and when he goes and does something for Sean, I’m right there by his side, helping him. Whether he needs a nurse, a lookout, or someone to help him plunge a knife into another person. I’m his girl, in all ways.

My pussy clenches around him and I feel him swell. He doesn’t slow down as I scream his name, coming spectacularly. I really need to learn how to be quiet, but if I haven’t in fifteen years, I never will.

Fifteen years, three kids, a big house, and so much love I feel like I could die at any second. I am so whole, so perfectly content that I wouldn’t change a thing. Everett and I are connected on every level imaginable, and I wouldn’t change a single thing.

I look over at the clock on the nightstand. Twenty minutes to get to work. My prenatal yoga class has taken off and become even more popular than my tantric class. Apparently, taking one of my tantric classes leads to having to take a prenatal yoga class. Whoops.

Everett climbs off of me, and I miss him already. I feel so full when he’s inside of me, when he leaves, I’m so empty. I just want to be full of him all the time. It’s no wonder I’m pregnant again. I just found out this morning and I haven’t told him yet.

“We should head out,” he says, pulling on some grey sweatpants. The outline of his cock perfectly visible. I’d be jealous, but I know he’d never share his dick with someone else. We’ve been each other’s one and only since day one. We saved ourselves for each other. We are each other’s prized possession, and we don’t care if that rubs people the wrong way.

“Hey, E?”

“Yeah, baby,” he asks, rooting around in his dresser drawer for a t-shirt. Outwardly, our house is immaculate, just don’t open doors or look inside anything. That’s where the chaos is. I don’t mind washing laundry, but I don’t think I’ve folded anything other than towels in fifteen years.

“I’m pregnant.” It’s been six years since the Eloise was born. I didn’t think we were going to have another. Protection isn’t something we’ve ever used; it just wasn’t happening.

“I know.”

“How?” I ask, throwing a pillow at him. He chuckles, catching it easily. He tosses it on the bed.

“I know everything about you. I probably knew before you did.”

“How?” I stare in wonder at the man I love more than anything. My life is amazing. How’d I get so damn lucky?

“Your pussy tastes sweeter when my seed has taken hold,” he says, winking at me lecherously.

Who talks that? My perfect fit, that’s who.

Tags: M.K. Moore Erotic