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Dylan and Kendra stood beside Abbie, who looked terrific in yet another new acquisition—a jaw-dropping studded black leather mini dress. Its plunging neckline was connected with metal O-rings, and keyhole cutouts revealed her flat abs and slender hips. A matching G-string completed the outfit. Her long red hair, usually pulled back in a high ponytail, now hung in a cascade of shiny waves down her back.

“Our next offering is our very own Master Ryan,” Mistress Ella announced.

Cheers erupted as the Brad Pitt lookalike climbed the small set of stairs and strode confidently across the stage. Shirtless, he wore black leather pants that rode low on his hips, his gorgeous six-pack abs on full display.

“God damn,” Kendra murmured, awestruck in spite of herself. He really was a delicious piece of eye candy.

“Do I need to blindfold you?” Dylan asked playfully, putting his arm around her shoulders. He wore black jeans and her favorite black silk pirate’s shirt, the laces open to reveal his sexy tattooed chest. He brought his hand down over one of her breasts, unfettered beneath the lacy spandex dress that clung to her body like a second skin, and gave her nipple a sharp tweak. “You’re only supposed to have eyes for me.”

“Ouch.” Kendra laughed as she leaned into his warmth, her nipples stiffening to attention at his touch. “A girl can look.”

“Okay,” Dylan agreed with a chuckle. “As long as that’s all you do.”

Abbie was looking, too. Her eyes wide with nervous anticipation, she lifted her hand to her mouth.

“Oh, no you don’t,” Kendra said, grabbing her cousin’s hand before she could start worrying her nails. “You’ll ruin that beautiful manicure Maya gave you.”

Poor Abbie had been a bundle of nerves all afternoon. Kendra almost regretted pushing her to bid on Ryan. To her relief, however, Abbie lowered her hand, a look of determination moving over her face. “You’re right. This is supposed to be fun.”

“Now you’re talking,” Kendra said with a smile.

Predictably, the bidding was fast and furious for the handsome Master. As it edged up to a thousand dollars of play money, Abbie fretted, “What if someone else gets in the final bid?”

“Don’t worry,” Kendra soothed. “You got this.”

The bidding took place in fifty-dollar increments. When it reached nine hundred fifty, Abbie, clutching her allotted thousand dollars, opened her mouth, but before she could make her bid, someone else called out, “One thousand dollars.”

“Shit,” Abbie cried. “Shit, shit, shit.”

“Here,” Kendra said quickly, holding out the money both Dylan and she had acquired for the auction, though neither of them planned to bid. “Make another bid. There’s an extra two thousand dollars there. Bid it all.”

“What?” Abbie asked, staring at the bundle of bills Kendra had thrust into her hand. “Can I do that?”

“Master Caelan did it for Skylar, remember?” Kendra said with a laugh. “Go on. It’s all in good fun, like you said.”

A broad grin split Abbie’s face. “You’re the best, Kenny.”

“Going once,” Mistress Ella called out from the stage.

“Three thousand dollars,” Abbie cried, holding up her money.

There were murmurs and protests in the audience, but Abbie ignored them, her chin lifted with determination.

Mistress Ella looked startled for a moment, but then she smiled, giving a slight nod of approval. “We have a special bid of three thousand. Do I hear three thousand and fifty?” When no one called out, she continued, “Going once. Going Twice. Master Ryan is sold to slave Abbie for three thousand dollars.”

Abbie stood as if frozen in place, a stunned expression on her face.

Ryan’s expression up on the stage was harder to read. He was smiling, but there seemed to be a question in his eyes. Was he really that clueless about how Abbie felt about him?

“Go on,” Kendra said, giving Abbie a nudge. “Go collect your prize.”

Abbie sprang to life, marching resolutely through the crowd.

“That was a great idea, Kendra,” Dylan said, watching as Abbie led Ryan from the stage. “I’m so glad it worked out for her.”

“Me, too,” Kendra agreed. “Ryan better not blow this. If he hurts Abbie’s feelings, I’ll have to kick his dominant ass.”

Dylan laughed. “Spoken like a true sub.”

“Hey, you guys. We’ve got exciting news.”

Kendra turned to the sound of Skylar’s voice. She looked incredibly sexy in a red corset, her full breasts spilling over the top, Master Caelan’s slave collar around her neck. Her blond hair was pulled back in a thick, silky French braid. Caelan stood towering behind her, all six foot four of him. Also in black jeans, he had on a red T-shirt with the acronym RACK painted on the front in black letters.

“What’s up?” Kendra queried.

“I was able to reserve the Master’s cottage for the evening,” Caelan said excitedly. “We were hoping the two of you would join us in a little fire play. We’re going to stay there overnight. You’re welcome to stay in the second bedroom. There are toiletries and extra toothbrushes in the bathroom between the rooms. We have a cart outside ready and waiting.”

Tags: Claire Thompson Desire Island Erotic