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“Baby,” Dylan breathed, his voice breaking with pity and love. “My poor, sweet Kendra.”

His voice brought Kendra back, reminding her she was safe now. She didn’t dare look at him just then, certain she’d burst into tears if she did. Instead, she took another fortifying breath. Determined to get the last of it out, she continued, “He started on my ass. He drew dozens of little cuts. I was so terrified and filled with adrenaline that I barely felt it at the time as he cut me, over and over, with that knife. I could feel the blood trickling down between my legs and soaking the sheets.”

“Christ,” Dylan whispered.

“Then he flipped me over, holding the knife to my throat while he moved me so I wouldn’t try to get away. I was too scared to struggle, and also I was still pretty woozy from the drugs. I was sure he was going to kill me at that point. But he just tied me down again, this time on my back. And that’s when he… When he cut my breasts. Then he dragged that knife down the center of my chest, and I was sure I was going to die. I freaked out, screaming and thrashing, which I guess is why that particular cut was so messy and deep. In retrospect, it was really stupid of me to jerk around like that with a knife near my throat, but I wasn’t exactly thinking rationally at that point.

“There was blood everywhere and I was completely hysterical, and I guess the bastard got spooked, because he grabbed his clothes and raced out of there, not even bothering to close the front door. I lay there for I don’t know how long, blood soaking the bed, sobbing and shaking.”

This time, when he took her into his arms, she didn’t pull away. He held her close, kissing the top of her head and gently rocking her until she felt calm once more, grounded again in the present.

“How did you get out of it?” Dylan asked.

“When I figured out he really was gone, and I was still alive, I managed to wriggle out of the restraints. It took a while, but I was able to loosen the ropes from where he’d tied them to the mattress frame so that I could get one of my wrists to my mouth. After what seemed like forever, I somehow managed to release the clip with my teeth. Once I had one wrist loose, it was relatively easy to get myself free. The cottage had a landline, with a phone by the bed, so I was able to call 9-1-1. Then I passed out,” she added with a wry laugh.

“Did they get the bastard?” Dylan asked. “I want to kill this guy. Where is he? Did you press charges? Did they make an arrest?”

Kendra shook her head “I didn’t even know the fucking guy’s real name. That’s how stupid I was—letting that imposter into my house when I should have known better.”

“No,” Dylan said emphatically. “You have to stop blaming yourself for what that monster did. There was an implied trust there, which he violated in the worst possible way.”

An implied trust. The words opened something in her, releasing some of the toxic pain that had been festering inside her for so long. Maybe Dylan was right? Maybe it wasn’t her fault?

“I did file a police report,” she continued, “but I had nothing to give them. They dusted the place for fingerprints, but he wasn’t in the system. I hadn’t paid attention to the license plate or anything, and I didn’t really know anything about the guy except the lies he told me. They were sympathetic but there wasn’t much they could do. They tried to follow the online leads, too, but nothing came of it. By then, he’d deleted his account and disappeared.”

“I’m so sorry, Kendra. So sorry you went through that. I hope someone catches that bastard before he does it again. You do know, what he did has zero to do with BDSM. And that you did nothing to deserve that. I’m in awe of you, of how well you’ve handled it. How you haven’t let it destroy or define you. And I’m deeply honored you were able to share it with me.” He gripped her chin lightly between thumb and forefinger and lifted her face to his. “You’re my hero, Kendra. My strong, kickass, brave hero.”

Then he kissed her. And as he did, the heavy cloak of shame, regret and rage slipped from her shoulders and blew away on the ocean breeze.

Chapter 10

Mistress Ella stood behind the auctioneer’s podium on the stage in the main dungeon, her gavel raised. The reverse auction was in full swing, with easily a dozen Doms already sold for an evening of erotic play. Even Chef Henry, whom Kendra had only rarely seen outside the kitchens, had donned his leathers and strutted across the stage. He was quickly snapped up by a voluptuous woman decked out in a red satin gown, who wasted no time hauling him off to one of the private playrooms.

Tags: Claire Thompson Desire Island Erotic