Page 37 of Made In America

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Ched headed closer to Annabella, who looked at Roman, squinted like she was confused as to why he was there, and that interested Ched too. He took her hand and brought it to his lips. He kissed her knuckles. “Let’s have a drink and enjoy the rest of the evening. Who knows, maybe you’ll get Aiden and I to join you on the dance floor.” He teased and winked.

Her friends interrupted and then told them to join them, as it seemed they were smitten with Roman and the guys as well as Ched and Aiden. Roman looked pissed, but Ched took complete advantage of the situation and sat right next to Annabella and worked his charms. Roman pulled out his cell phone and walked away.


Ivan stood by the outdoor seating area, a beautiful view of the Hudson before him, and he didn’t like the feelings he had. Roman texted him the moment he caught wind of Annabella and her friends showing up at Carlotto’s. Vincent definitely had her on his radar. He was a good guy, and Ivan had respect for him and the business deals they engaged in, but the thought of Annabella with Vincent made his stomach churn and his blood pressure rise. To then learn that Ched Maloney and Aiden were there, and they too showed interest had Ivan feeling more than he should. He tried to ignore the questions, the concern for her, and figure out why the woman got under his skin.

She was young, stunningly beautiful and those green eyes, they practically glowed. It was exotic, sexy, and he shouldn’t feel an attraction to her. She wasn’t like women he sought out to relieve his aches. Nor was she one of those gold diggers that would do anything to receive even an inkling of hope that he would see them again. It seemed to him that she didn’t care about his power or position, or perhaps she didn’t really know, or understand it.

He wasn’t sure, and it both bothered him and encouraged him. She was an epiphany of sorts. A gift from God. A purity, a goodness, and he was evil. Not out of choice but out of loyalty, love, vengeance, position, and hell he could go on with excuses which wasn’t like him at all. This woman wasn’t even part of his life yet she effected his thoughts so deeply? It was odd, and it was a waste of time. He had a job to do. A life to live that left no room for emotions, for desire, or anything deeper or longer then instant gratification.

He was a lost soul. A dark, and dangerous man who sometimes felt invincible, but those sensations, those freedoms came with a price. The blood that stained his hands. The lives he took not as a soldier but as a made men with the will to live, and the gall to get into power anyway possible and become the ultimate leader of all the families. Why? Because that was the only way to save his life, and to continue to honor his family who were murdered. With it came a price.

“Do you want Roman to intervene?” Dante asked him quietly interrupting Ivan’s thoughts.

He didn’t even turn. “Intervene?” he asked. His cousin approached him.

“He can be sure she doesn’t wind up in bed with Vincent, Ched, Aiden, or any other man for that matter.”

“Have you gotten any more information on the buzz about the drug deals at the club?” he asked, changing the subject. His cousin wouldn’t push him.

“Nothing so far. Dmitri is keeping watch on Berin, and he says the guy hasn’t so much as even tried to take money from the register. I still think Griska and you should fire him.”

“Not a smart move when I believe he could be part of these deals going on behind our backs. Stay on him.” Ivan said and then reached over to the tray Dante had brought him and took one of the two glasses of vodka. Dante took his and then placed the tray down. Ivan looked out at the view, at how quiet and peaceful it was here. A place he could rest, let down his guard enough to sleep, not so peacefully, but still not with a weapon in his hand and one eye open.

“To peacefulness,” he said.

Dante clinked his glass with his and they drank their vodka together. His mind drifting back to Annabella, and hope that she did not wind up in bed with any men, and that he could put her out of his thoughts and not allow her to be a distraction or to become a target because of him.


Annabella felt a little tipsy as she exited the lady’s room with Eve. “Those men at our table are gorgeous. All the men we’re meeting tonight, the ones who know you from Gables, aren’t like other men we’ve ever met.” Eve told her. She smiled.

“I know exactly how you feel. It’s like being in another world.”

“Girl, it isn’t like Texas, or some honky tonk, that is for sure.” Eve fanned herself.

“I hope Salena knows what she’s doing making out with that guy who was with Roman. What’s his name? Mirnon, I don’t even know, and they’ve been into themselves the last hour.” Eve said.

“Well we’re all leaving together no matter what. I think all those free drinks went to her head.”

“To mine too. What about you? You stopped drinking a little while ago.” Annabella stopped by the wall in the hallway right before the main area. She had such a funny feeling in her gut. She didn’t want to make a mistake and fool around with someone, especially someone like Ched Maloney. There was something about him that put her on edge. Made her think that no matter what he said or did, that he wasn’t trustworthy and that he was after something. She didn’t know if that was because of her fears of intimacy, and her need to find something wrong with every man who got a little close to her. The attraction was there. How could it not be when he was so good looking, and attentive.

“What’s wrong? Don’t tell me that you’re finding something wrong with Ched. He is gorgeous, wealthy, and completely into you. Even as Louisa flirted with him he blew her off and his eyes remained on you.”

“I don’t know. I don’t want to make a mistake.”

“Annabella, you’re twenty-four years old. You’ve been holding out for so long

and always finding something wrong with every hot guy you meet. Fool around a little. No one is saying to go home with the guy.”

Annabella blew out a breath. “I really don’t know.” They could hear the music playing and their friends were back up on the dance floor.

“Oh, I love this song. Come on.” Eve went to grab her hand but Annabella was feeling a little tipsy still.

“You go. I need a few more minutes.” Eve gave her a wink and then headed toward the crowd and their friends.

Annabella stood there watching, noticing the guys her friends met were making moves, dancing with them and having a great time. They would be talking about this night for a while. She caught Roman watching her and got the chills. Felt like she was doing something wrong. Like he would tell Ivan what she was up to. That added to the strange feelings she was having. What was wrong with her? Why did she keep thinking about that man? Why, when he was some kind of made man, a gangster, and criminal? Was it simply because of the way he made her feel so much, and without even touching her? He was all wrong for her. For any sane woman who didn’t want to be used.

Tags: Lyra Lee Rose Romance