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Chapter 4

The place where Anthony had to be staying was the only hotel both in town and for miles around. It wasn’t particularly nice, since it catered to everyone across the spectrum of morals and social standing.

While wealthy people did frequent this hotel, in this area, their main concern was secrecy and a clean bed with good room service.

Thus, this hotel ensured to excel in such traits, which presently worked to my advantage.

When I walked into the lobby, I started straight for the front desk.

I knew the man behind the counter recognized me but here, it didn’t matter who you were, no one said anything, and no one asked any questions outside of their business.

It was strangely refreshing in that sense.

“Hello, can you tell me what room Anthony Shields is in?” I demanded, laying a twenty-dollar bill on the desk that separated us.

The man snickered for a moment before reaching out and sliding the money closer to him, before answering my question.

“The northern businessman? He hasn’t had any visitors, if that’s what you’re worried about.”

“I’m not worried about that. I’m a visitor.”

“Of course,” he responded before informing me of the room number.

“Thank you,” I replied before taking off toward the elevator doors.

I walked up to his room with determination as I focused all my energy on remaining vigilant. I was coming here for answers and if I didn’t like those answers, I was going to let Anthony know.

I wasn’t about to get pushed around and swooned by a man who probably was trying to make trouble.

I thought about this all night and concluded that his intentions had to be some fun game to him. After all, we had made it clear that we were not going to be romantically involved, that what happened between us was playful.

It meant nothing.

When I pounded on the door, I could feel the anger and emotion pulsing out of me with a fervor that was intense and nerve wracking at the same time.

It was rare that I ever stood up for myself and so the fact that I was actually confronting someone, whether Anthony was practically a stranger or not, was a big deal for me.

However, realizing how loud I was made me hope to God this was actually his door. It hadn’t occurred to me until now that this might not be his room.

Although, when I heard footsteps coming in my direction, I realized that there wasn’t anything I could do about it now but pray that something had not gone horribly awry with my plan.

When Anthony opened the door, I was almost so overcome with relief that I momentarily forgot why I was there.

I felt myself smile at him as I gazed into his eyes, that seemed to brighten when he saw me standing there.

Yet, once I remembered that this wasn’t supposed to be a social call, I knitted my brow together as my anger returned and I demanded, “What the hell were y

ou thinking? Why would you do this to me?”

“Do what?” He asked, “Do…Do you want to come in?”

“No! I don’t want to go in there. I want an answer!” I insisted, then lowered my voice, “Why would you ask my father about me? I thought we agreed to keep everything that happened a secret.”

“We did…Oh…Right,” he responded as his eyes softened with understanding. Seeming almost relieved himself, he relaxed against the doorframe and snickered, “Well, it got you here, didn’t it?”


“I missed you, Sahara,” he replied, sounding earnest but I didn’t want to buy it.

Tags: Mia Ford Romance