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And I’ve just left her alone at Jacqui’s apartment.

“Fuck!” I shout. “I have to go, Alex! Allison is alone! Can you…?”

“I’ll pass the information to the police,” Alex says quickly. “Go!”

I hang up and break into a run. I should have just stayed at the apartment. I shouldn’t have let my thoughts get the better of me. I fumble with my messages and send one to Jacqui, not watching where I’m going.

“Call police. Heading back to apartment. Get back asap.”

There’s a pause and then my phone vibrates with a message.

“No. 8.”

It takes me a moment to get it. Then I realize. Jacqui has just texted me the number of her apartment, knowing that I’ll be the first one to get there. I smile grimly.

Then I stuff my phone in my pocket and run faster than I ever have in my life.

Chapter Twenty-Eight


“Jacqui, I’ll be fine,” I say, exasperated. “You’ll only be a few minutes, right?”


I sneeze and Jacqui draws back, making a face at me. I’m not extremely sick, but I feel miserable enough with the beginning of a cold that I’m not willing to leave my cocoon of blankets on Jacqui’s couch, even if it means satisfying my friend’s protective instincts. I sniffle for good measure, playing up my cold a little more than I needed to.

“Weren’t you going to get me flu medicine?” I remind her.

She scowls, looking frustrated.

“I was,” she says mutinously. “I know you don’t feel well, but can’t you just…?”

“No,” I say, deadpan. “Do you want me to get sicker?”

Jacqui wavers. For a moment, I think she might just decide to stay anyway, flu medicine be damned. But then her eyes dart to my flushed cheeks, and I know she knows that she has to go. I’ve started running a slight fever, and I’ll only get worse without the medicine.

“Look, I’m still mobile,” I assure her. “I’m not so sick that I can’t get up. I’ll be okay while you go to the shops. All I’ll do is sit here and sneeze and sniffle, anyway.”

Jacqui looks at me, conflicted, and then sighs, her shoulders slumping.

“Fine, but only because I don’t want to drag you out while you’re looking that pale,” she grumbles. “You better not give that cold to me!”

“Then this is the perfect opportunity to keep away from me,” I say with a grin.

Jacqui throws her hands up in the air. “You better stay right there. And call me if anything comes up.”

“I will,” I promise her.

She glares at me, unfairly suspicious.

“Can I have some orange juice as well?” I ask hopefully.

“I’ll think about it,” she grumbles, picking up her wallet and keys. She opens her door and turns to point imperiously at me. “Stay!”

“I’m not a dog!” I shout after her as the door closes.

Honestly, she’s worse than Kyle! I wait several moments, just in case Jacqui returns for some reason, and then haul myself off the couch, making my way over to the window. I look out just in time to see Jacqui’s white car join the traffic, finally leaving me alone.

Tags: Mia Ford Roughshod Rollers MC Romance