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Blood is pumping through my veins. I’m so angry that I can’t even think straight anymore. Allison is standing on the other side of the table, trembling as she looks at the photos, shocked by what she’s seeing.

Me? I’m ready to take to the streets, find that fucking scumbag and deal with him so he never comes near Allison again.

“Allison,” I say.

“Just…give me a moment,” she says, holding up a shaking hand. “I just…need to process this. It has to be Jesse, especially after the spray paint, but why…?”

“Because he’s insane,” I say in a low voice. “He doesn’t care that he’s hurting you, he just wants to put you in your place.” I pause. “Jesse knows where you live, Allison. If he’s making these kinds of threats…you aren’t safe here.”

Allison’s head jerks up. There’s fire in her eyes.

“Why should I have to be the one to move!” she shouts, infuriated.

“You shouldn’t have to,” I say, as calm as I can manage. Allison doesn’t need me shouting back at her right now. “It isn’t fucking fair that you should have to. But Jesse knows where you are, and this is the second time he’s threatened you.” I hold up a hand before she can snap again. “I’m not trying to tell you to do something about it now. I’m telling you to think about it.”

Allison stares at me, still angry. After a moment, however, she calms and sighs, running a hand through her hair.

“Yeah,” she says after a long moment. “You’re right. I’ll think about it, okay? Just…” Her eyes drift back to the photos. “Not right now.”

Alright, first order of business is to get rid of these fucking photos. I gather them all up. Allison watches me, not making any move to stop me, not even when I take them all to the trash can and throw them inside. Once I’ve done that, I tie up the bag and haul it out.

“I’ll take this on my way out,” I decide, stalking over and dropping it beside the front door.

“Thanks,” Allison says quietly. “I’m glad you’re here.”

I swallow the lump in my throat. How long have I known Allison now? It was Wednesday night when I saved her from Jesse. It’s now Saturday morning. I haven’t known her for very long at all.

But as I look at her, her shoulders hunched in vulnerability, her eyes far away as her mind races through possibilities, I know I want to do anything I can for this beautiful woman who has let me into her life. I want to protect her from everything, including jealous ex-boyfriends that can’t take a hint.

“Allison, I’ll do what I can,” I say, stepping toward her. I catch her hands in mine and hold them tightly. “If you want me, I’m here for you, I swear.”

She looks up at me. Her eyes are too bright and they’re searching mine, looking for something. She tugs her hands out of my grip and I let them go instantly.

Then her arms wind around my neck and her lips meet mine in a hungry kiss.

It’s nothing like before, when we were teasing each other, the heat slowly pooling in my stomach in excitement for what’s to come next. Suddenly it's hot and hurried and desperate, and I know this is only happening because Allison is upset, because Jesse has targeted her once more and she wants to pretend that he doesn’t exist.

So I break the kiss and step back. Fifteen minutes ago, she was looking at me. She wanted me. Now she only wants to forget, just like she did on that fateful night we met.

What do I do in this situation? Is it okay to give her what she wants? Or would she be better off if I refused and made her another coffee instead?

I don’t know.

“What?” Allison asks when I step back, hurt. “Sorry, I know that was unexpected. But it’s okay, right?”

“Allison…” I take a moment to stamp down on the heated lust that had flushed through

me the moment her lips touched mine.

“You don’t want this anymore?” she demands, suddenly angry.

“I do!” I exclaim, wincing at the volume of my own voice. “I do want this, Allison, so fucking much. But only if you want it.”

For a moment she looks confused.

“I kissed you,” she reminds me. She’s recovered at my assurance that I do want her, and she’s stalking slowly toward me, and intense look in her eyes. “So, yes, I do want this. I want you. I want to feel your hands on my skin, feel you in me, thrusting deep inside. I want you to fuck me hard.”

Tags: Mia Ford Roughshod Rollers MC Romance