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“Probably do some grocery shopping,” Kyle says with a grin. “Maybe hang around down at the bar with some friends. Maybe try not to get so drunk that I end up at your doorstep at two o’clock in the morning again.”

“Two-thirty, actually,” I correct with a laugh. “I’d appreciate that.”

Kyle finishes stirring the coffee and several pieces of toast pop up in the toast. It occurs to me that we’re ignoring the elephant in the room. Despite how happy I am, I think we really should talk about it.

“So… I should probably apologize,” I say. “For throwing myself at you again.”

Kyle coughs. “It’s okay. I wasn’t arguing.”

I laugh at this. “I noticed. But, I also remember that you weren’t really expecting it so…sorry.”

“Do you remember everything?” Kyle asks curiously.

“Most of it,” I admit. “There are a few things that aren’t clear, but I remember definitely wanting you very badly.”

Kyle’s lips quirk into a smile.

“Same,” he says.

He stirs the dark liquid in one of the cups and slides it over to me. I take it gratefully and sip at the dark liquid, humming as it slides down my throat and warms me up. There’s nothing like a cup of coffee to make my head feel better in the mornings, especially if I have a hangover.

Though it doesn’t make my stomach feel much better. I grimace as it rumbles, threatening mutiny if I don’t allow it to calm down, so I regretfully set my cup down again, resolving to nibble on some toast until I no longer feel like I’m going to throw up.

“Look, I really didn’t mind,” Kyle says after a long moment, and I look up, blinking at him. “Ever since the other night…I haven’t been able to get you out of my head.”

I slowly butter the toast and put it on a plate, bringing it over to sit between the two of us. He picks up a slice and bites into it, glancing back at me.

“You’ve been on my mind a lot, too,” I admit.

Kyle chuckles. “Both times we’ve had sex, I’ve been a little drunk. You too.” He slants a sideways look at me, his eyes intent. “I wouldn’t mind giving it a try while we’re both sober.”

My breath catches and my heart thumps. Talking about it like this makes it seem like more than just the one-night-stand it was before. Even last night could be explained away by a myriad of different factors. But now, it’s something more, something that neither of us can quite put our finger on, but we both know it’s different and that we want more out of it.

I control myself and push away, a piece of toast in my hand.

“You might have to buy me dinner first,” I say with a smile.

Kyle laughs and turns so he’s leaning back against the table.

“Might?” he asks.

“Might,” I confirm with a wink. “I might be interested in skipping that step with the right persuasion.”

Kyle grins and steps forward. “And what sort of persuasion are you looking for?”

I lean back against the other side of the kitchen counter as he comes toward me, feeling an odd sort of thrill. I know what I’m doing, we both know what we’re initiating, and we both want it.

“I don’t know,” I say as he draws closer. “Why don’t you try something and see if it works?”

He leans in closer, his hands reaching out to grip the counter on either side of me, trapping me within his arms. He isn’t quite touching me, but I can feel how close he is, and my body arches toward him, aching to be touched by him again.

“Does this work?” he asks.

I grin.

“Maybe,” I say.

He laughs, the sound deep a

Tags: Mia Ford Roughshod Rollers MC Romance