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I swallow the pills and drain the water in a few gulps, which soothes my dry throat. I sigh in relief and hand him back the empty glass.

“They should kick in soon,” Kyle says, setting the glass on the table.

I stretch my arms over my head. The sheet falls and it’s only then that I remember that I’m buck naked under the covers. Kyle’s eyes dart downward and he flushes before he looks away.

“Uh, I’ll give you some privacy,” he says.

My hand is on his arm before he can get up. I’m a little surprised at my own boldness. But does it matter? He and I have slept together twice, now. He’s already seen my whole body. It’s not like my naked breasts are anything new.

On top of that…

I remember Jacqui pulling me aside last night, right before she left. Her hand was on my shoulder, and she leaned in to whisper in my ear so that no one else can hear.

“I see that look in your eyes,” she’d said, her eyes gleaming. “Go for it, and don’t let him go this time.”

Somehow…I really don’t want to let him go.

“It’s fine,” I say nonchalantly. “Give me a minute and I’ll get up. Are you hungry?”

His stomach rumbles and he smiles sheepishly. He’s still carefully keeping his eyes angled away, I realize.

“Yeah,” he admits.

“I’ll make breakfast,” I say with a nod.

I yawn and sit for a moment, waiting for the pounding in my head to dim until it’s more manageable. Then I get out of bed, uncaring of my own nakedness. Kyle’s eyes bug out and he quickly looks away, much to my amusement. Who would have thought that big, rough biker Kyle would be so easy to tease?

I find a robe on the ground and I slip it on, cinching it around the waist. Only when I’m covered does Kyle dare to look back, and I resist the urge to tell him that I want him to look.

Far from my concerns the night before, I find that I don’t regret anything that happened yesterday. At some point last night, I came to the startling conclusion that I wanted Kyle. My reaction to Paige’s interest told me everything I needed to know.

I don’t know where this is going to lead me. But I know I’m interested in trying to find out.

“I’ll make some toast,” I say cheerfully. “Unless you want cereal?”

“Toast is fine,” Kyle says, clearing his throat.

He follows me into the kitchen.

“Can you grab some bread?” I say, flicking the switch on the kettle.

It boils quicker than I expect, and I realize that Kyle must have boiled it while he was out here looking for aspirin. I smile appreciatively.

“You make the toast, I’ll make the coffee?” Kyle offers.

“Sounds like a plan,” I say, taking the bread from him.

I hum as I work. I feel relaxed and happy, which is vastly different from how I felt with Jesse. I’m okay with everything that happened last night. And I’m more than okay with wherever we go next.

“Do you have work today?” I ask him.

“Uh…not until Monday,” he answers. “I don’t work on the weekends.”

I grin. This is even more domestic; making breakfast together and talking about our day, as though we’ve been together longer than a couple of days. Jacqui would squeal if she could see us.

“What are your plans?” Kyle asks after a moment, following my example.

“Not much,” I say with a shrug. “I have some assignments I could be working on, so I might do that. Otherwise, I think I’ll just hang around at home. What will you do, since you don’t have work?”

Tags: Mia Ford Roughshod Rollers MC Romance