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“I’m going to fuck you now,” I promise. “I’m going to fuck you hard.”

I pull back and, with one hand, line myself up at her entrance. I meet her eyes briefly, taking in the glazed lust that I know I’m sharing, and then I slide into her.

It’s overwhelming. The heat of her body almost drowns me, and her muscles are pressing

so tightly against me that I almost let go then and there. I pause, shuddering, catching my breath, before I push further into her, bit by bit. Allison writhes beneath me, her hips thrusting down shallowly as she tries to take more of me in.

Finally, after what seems like forever, I’m fully seated in her. I stop, breathing deeply, and she stills too, adjusting to the feel of me in her. Sweat is pouring off my skin and my head is spinning.

Then Allison’s thighs clench around me and she looks up at me, her eyes burning.

“Move,” she commands.

I can’t do anything other than obey. I slide out of her until only the tip is still teasing her entrance, and then I thrust my hips forwards, snapping back into her body with a force that jolts us both. Not pausing for even a moment, I thrust into her again, and then again.

Allison’s nails scrabble at my shoulders as she tries to find purchase on my slick skin, and her hips thrust against mine, pulling me deeper and deeper. The whole world has narrowed until there is only me, her and the connection that has sprung up between us. I reach down to pull one of Allison’s legs up to my hip, changing the angle of my thrusts, and she lets out a choked cry as I hit her g-spot, making shuddering waves go through her.

“Harder, fuck me harder,” she moans.

Heat is crashing down over the two of us, building into an inferno that blazes around us and tears at me. Allison is gasping out sobs, writhing in pleasure, clutching at me with an unforgiving grip, and I feel like I’m about to burst.

Then, finally, a wave of lust sends me over the edge, and I let out a cry as my entire body shakes with its release. Allison trembles with me, and I thrust twice more, riding out our orgasms together.

After long moments, the heat slowly begins to dissipate. My arms tremble with the effort to continue holding me up. When it becomes too much, I pull out of Allison, completely spent, and crash down on the bed beside her. We pant together, breaths heaving at our chests.

“Wow,” Allison finally says.

She looks over at me. I give her a tired grin back. My legs feel like jelly, and it’s hard to believe that, only an hour or so ago, I was heading home to go to bed.

Reminded of this, I glance at the time. It’s incredibly late, now, almost too late to be going home. But the thought of asking Allison if I can stay is suddenly awkward.

Suddenly, Allison snorts.

“Now I’m more tired than I was before,” she says with a yawn.

She scoots up the bed and straightens the covers a little so she can slide underneath them. I watch her do this, too tired to move. Then she looks at me and raises an eyebrow.

“Are you coming, or are you just going to sleep at the end of my bed?” she asks.

Well, that answers the question. I’m too tired to argue, so I make my way to the top of the bed and slide under the covers, too, only just remembering to grab my phone; right before we unclothed by the front door, I had grabbed it out of my pocket and thrown it on the bed when we made our way into the room, knowing I would need it in the morning. I place it on the bedside table and melt into the soft mattress with a sigh.

I could deal with the awkwardness in the morning. Right now, I’m more than happy to finally get to sleep.

My alarm blares out and, on impulse, my hand shoots out and reaches to tap it. When I don’t find it straight away, I fumble around for a moment until I find the rectangular object. My eyes slit open so I can see a blurry light in the darkness, and I press a red button, making the room go blessedly silent. Sighing in relief, I close my eyes again, knowing that I have another ten minutes before the alarm will go off again.

Then my eyes open again. My phone is normally on my bedside table, which is on the left. Just now, however, my phone is to the right of me.

And, now that I’m paying attention, these sheets are soft and smell vaguely like lavender. My sheets are a little coarse due to how old they are, and I don’t put any of that sweet-smelling shit in my washing machine.

There’s also someone in the unfamiliar bed with me.

It takes me a moment for the memories to return. I didn’t have much to drink last night, and I’d had to go home early. That was when I stumbled on…


I sit up quickly. Beside me, Allison stirs and then curls up a little on her side, her hair splayed on the pillow she’s laying on. She’s covered only by a thin sheet and, remembering how we went to bed the night before, I know she’s naked under it.

I blink. Taking Allison to bed…had not been how I had expected the night to go.

Tags: Mia Ford Roughshod Rollers MC Romance