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Kyle shudders and he steps back. I clasp his hands, not wanting to lose him completely, and pull him in the direction I want to go. We have to step over some half-unpacked boxes as we go, but neither of us notices much as we go, too focused on our goal and what will happen next.

Tomorrow will be a new day, when the two of us, as strangers, will face one another and say goodbye. As such, I fully intend on getting everything I can out of tonight.

Chapter Four


She’s still wearing those fucking heels, despite the fact that she’s only clad in panties and a bra, her hips swaying tantalizing as she leads me towards her bedroom. A distant part of my mind notes that the apartment is a bit of a mess right now, but I can’t find it in me to care. My entire focus is on Allison and the alluring smile on her lips.

I don’t know why Allison has decided that she wants me. I don’t know why she suddenly kissed me and convinced me to follow her to her apartment, knowing that we were going to have sex. It’s somehow different to the girls that I take home from the bar for a single night; I stopped that bastard from assaulting her, and now I’m going to sleep with her? It feels like I’ve missed a step somewhere.

But it’s hard to remember that with her half-naked in front of me, as she uses her body to drag me in closer. The way her hands run over me, worshipping my skin and melting into me, makes fire burn deep inside me. And now I’m too full of lust to even want to think logically. All I want is Allison, so I follow her to the bedroom, wanting everything she will give me and to give her everything I can.

As such, I don’t stop my body, when we reach the closed door of her bedroom, from pushing her up against it and capturing her lips in another scorching kiss, desperate to feel every line of her body again. We’ve walked barely six steps from the front door, but even that feels too far. I’m addicted to the feel of her, and there’s no way I’ll ever be able to get enough.

She doesn’t seem to mind, kissing me back just as enthusiastically. She fumbles with the doorknob behind her, and then the door swings open, making us stumble into the darkened room. Allison’s hand flicks out and catches a switch before we go too far, bathing the room in light.

The room is small and there are several boxes here, too. Several of them are in the way, and Allison pulls back with a scowl to kick them aside. I wince as one box clinks, wondering if there’s anything breakable in there.

Then her eyes are on me again, burning with passion, and I forget all about the box.

The bed is large and unmade, and I can imagine her rushing out of bed in the morning, forgetting to clean up after herself in her hurry. Allison smiles, pulling me backward, and I reach out, fully intent on tumbling down on the bed with her.

But, before I can do anything, she changes positions on me and pushes me down first. I land on the mattress with a muffled whump, and I stare up at her as she leans over me, her hair forming a curtain around us that cuts off the outside world.

“God, I want to feel every bit of you,” she whispers, her hands drifting down my sides. My hips buck upwards without my permission. “I want to feel every inch of you inside me.”

I groan and grip her hips as she swings a leg over me and straddles my lap. I can feel the heat of her skin teasing mine, but she’s sitting on her knees, hovering just shy of my groin. She slides her hands up my chest and then her fingers tighten on my shoulders as she leans her face towards mine.

“You’re still wearing too much,” she murmurs.

And then she lowers herself down and our clothed groins meet. It’s both too much and not enough all at once, and I pant beneath her, my arms going around her as I fumble with the latch of her bra. These fucking things are always too hard to handle, but I’m careful not to be too harsh on it; last time, I broke it, and the woman I was with hadn’t been impressed.

“So are you,” I say, my voice rough with need.

The bra suddenly loosens in my hand and I push it off her shoulders, leaning up to press fleeting kisses that make her shiver down her arm as I do so. Her breasts bounce free of their confines and I abandon her arm to bite at the soft skin on her right breast instead, making her gasp and arch her back.

“So fucking sensitive,” I growl with a grin. “And we haven’t even gotten to the best part.”

I move down to her nipple, which is already hardening in the chilly air, and lick it teasingly. Allison groans, wriggling on my lap, and my hips buck upward in response. Shit! I’m achingly hard, and far too close to the edge.

Trying to take my mind off the waves of lust that are threatening to drag me under, I wrap my mouth around the nipple and swirl my tongue around it, biting lightly. Allison gasps and writhes on me, and I slip my hands downward so I can rub my palms on the insides of her thighs, kneading the skin there. Her legs obligingly fall further apart, and I use one of my hands to touch her wet panties, teasing her as she tries to rub frantically against me.

“These need to come off,” I growl, lifting my mouth off her breast.

I finger the band of her panties and tug them down. Allison lifts her hips first and then slips off my lap when I can’t pull them down any further so she can step out of them, leaving her totally naked. I sit up and push my boxers down as well, kicking them off to the side somewhere.

For a moment we look at each other, hungrily taking one another in.

“You’re so fucking perfect,” I say with a slow smile. “I can’t wait to be in you.”

She steps forward and I slip one arm around her waist, pulling her in so that she’s standing between my legs. My other arm cups the back of her neck and I lean up to meet her lips. The kiss is sloppy and frenzied, our hands flying everywhere as we touch and taste and feel, but we’re close now, too close, to the edge of it. There’s no more teasing. I need her now.

I stand suddenly, pushing Allison backward a step, and our kiss breaks. She doesn’t have time to do anything more than give me a startled look before I change our positions, turning us around so that I can push her down onto the bed, leaning over. I brace my arms on either side of her head and thrust against her body, both of us groaning at the overwhelming sensations.

“Shit!” Allison says, throwing her head back. “Shit!”

I let out a breathless laugh, distantly amused that I have reduced her to single syllable swear words. I pant harshly; it’s hard to catch my breath in the heat that’s surrounding us, which forms tight bands around my chest as my body aches for release.

Tags: Mia Ford Roughshod Rollers MC Romance