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“Hey, I’m not the one who invited me in,” he said.

Kallie giggled again and the sound was music to his ears.

Room service was delivered an hour later and Ash was starving. The two of them sat naked at the table and indulged the luscious foods, and there was something innately intimate about it. Ash fed Kallie buttered oysters and wiped away the buttery trail when it leaked down her chin. They clinked wineglasses and toasted to new adventures on the island before digging into their steaks. Kallie hummed over dinner and frequently rolled her eyes, all of which sent electric jolts to Ash’s groin.

Fuck, she was beautiful.

Even when she ate.

“Enjoying the food?” Ash asked.

“You’ll have to roll me out of here once I’m done,” Kallie said.

“How about I pick you up and carry you to the bed? How does that sound?”

“Like you had this planned,” she said with a grin.

“They come to me as the opportunity presents itself. I can’t be held accountable for the way certain situations unfold.”

“Uh-huh. So tell me, why is this cupcake so expensive?” she asked. “I take it that’s what’s underneath these two silver domes?”

“You ready to see them?” Ash asked.

“Oh yes. Very much so.”

He wiped his mouth off with his napkin before tossing the rest of his wine back. He refilled both of the glasses before standing up, then walked around behind the rolling food tray. His eyes flickered over toward Kallie and he gave her a cheeky grin, then quickly removed the domes and watched her eyes widen.

“Is that...?”

“It is,” Ash said.

“And it’s coated in...?”


“The entire thing’s encased in gold!”

It was Ash’s turn to throw his head back and laugh.

“See why it’s so expensive now?” he asked.

“It’s a golden cupcake. With gold-covered strawberries.”

“And it comes with a golden spoon to eat it with,” he said.

“Is the golden spoon edible?”

“No, and you can’t keep it either. You’ll be charged a great deal if it goes missing.”

“I would assume so,” she said breathlessly.

“Ready to see what two thousand dollars tastes like?”

“Two thousand dollars?”

Ash laughed again as he set her dessert down in front of her.

“So, do you have any other plans while you’re on the island?” he asked.

Tags: Lexy Timms Wet & Wild Erotic