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their activities.

“What do you recommend, island boy?” Kallie asked.

“I think we should start with two medium rare filet mignons topped with fresh island scallops.”

“Mmm, that sounds fantastic,” she said.

“Then, we can order a side of lobster tail as well as a decadent shrimp cocktail.”

“I like where you’re going with this.”

“An order of freshly steamed oysters with butter sauce, an exotic fruit salad, and then for dessert?”

“Me?” Kallie asked.

Ash’s eyes darkened and he already felt his cock throbbing back to life.

“Don’t tempt me,” he said.

“Who said I was tempting?” she asked.

Ash put the menu down and reached out for Kallie. He pulled her into his body before picking her up and swinging her around. He pressed his lips against hers and she giggled, and the sound shot electricity all the way to his toes. He held her to his body, feeling her legs wrapping around him as he held her closely.

“What were you thinking for dessert?” Kallie asked.

“The island makes its own version of the Golden Phoenix cupcake,” Ash said.

“What’s that?”

“The most expensive cupcake in the world.”

“Why is it so expensive?” she asked.

“Let’s order it and find out,” he said.

He put her down and kissed her forehead before he walked back into her bedroom. He picked up the phone and dialed room service, then glanced around to make sure Kallie wasn’t looking. He had no intention of charging any of the meal to her room. The last thing he wanted to do was get her into any trouble.

So he was going to charge the meal to his.

“Yes, room service? I’d like to place an order for dinner. Mhm. Villa number two, but don’t charge it there. Charge it to villa number one, please. Yes. Two filet mignons, medium rare, each with a lobster tail for a side, and your decadent vegetable medley. I’d also like a bottle of your finest white wine, chilled, along with an order of oysters with butter sauce, two shrimp cocktails, and two Golden Island cupcakes.”

Ash looked back around and didn’t see Kallie anywhere in sight. So he confirmed where the meal needed to be charged, then went in search of her. He found her settled on the couch with the curtains drawn back and the television on.

“What did that fun little meal amount to?” she asked with a grin.

“Easily five thousand dollars,” Ash said.

“What?” she asked.

He chuckled as he sat down beside her, taking her feet and sliding them into his lap.

“Trust me, it’ll be worth it,” he said.

“Five thousand dollars for one meal. I could’ve had the chef come in and prepare us something.”

“Ah, so the ex added a chef to the deal. Smart man. Keeping you cooped up here all to himself. I’d do the same thing if you were mine.”

“I think you’re technically doing that now.”

Tags: Lexy Timms Wet & Wild Erotic