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She knew things about him that could only come from recent conversations with him like his work at the foundation and the position he held there. It was possible she heard it through the grapevine or maybe from his own mother or gossip within that community. But as anger pooled in my chest and tears rushed down my cheeks, my hands trembled with a stark possibility.

Was it possible Bryan was cheating on me?

Chapter 19


“Holy fuck. How long has it been since we’ve been here, man?”

“It was before Hailey’s art tour,” I said.

“Dude. Not cool. I’ve missed this place’s milkshakes,” Drew said.

“Me, too. These seasoned fries and their banana-mocha shake? There’s nothing like it,” I said.

“I feel like it’s been fucking forever since I’ve seen you.”

“Because we don’t hang out as much anymore. We got adult shit to do,” I said.

“Well, screw that stuff, man. When are we going surfing again?”

“I don’t surf. You surf.”

“Then when the hell are you gonna let me teach you how to surf?” he asked.

“Never. I’m about to be a dad. I can’t be drowning in salt water,” I said.

“Imagine that. Us busy with women and careers and families. Glad we could carve out some time to come enjoy this greasy joint with their awesome milkshakes.”

“No joke,” I said, chuckling. “And speaking of women, how’s stuff going with Anna?”

“You guys ditched us at that club, man.”

“But did you guys even notice?” I asked.

“When we woke up the next morning in my bed, yeah.”

“Oh, shit! So, things are going well?” I asked.

“Oh yeah, man. Better than I would’ve thought. She’s stopped by the shop on a few occasions when I’m closing up, and we’ve gotten lunch a couple of times together.”

“Now all you have to do is not fall back into your workaholic routine,” I said.

“I’m not, and I know she’s trying not to as well. She’s got this project from the foundation that’s keeping her busy, but Sunday nights? She’s all mine, man.”

“That’s enough details about that. Hailey would be pissed if I knew the intricate details of her sister’s sex life.”

“Can’t imagine you’d wanna know that anyway,” he said. “You’ve never been that kinda guy.”

“But you’ve always been that kind of guy, so keep your mouth shut.”

“I wanna thank you guys again. For setting up what you did,” he said.

“It’s not a problem. Hailey and I had a wonderful time too.”

“Especially when you got home?” he asked.

“Cut the shit,” I said. “That’s my wife.”

Tags: Lexy Timms Brush of Love Romance