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ave her hip a tap. She looked at him and he winked.

“You can if you want to. I could drop you off in town to meet up with Cora.”

His suggestion surprised her. Ford hadn’t even told her that it was safe to return to Chicago, yet here he was pushing plans with Cora as if she would be staying long enough to make a friend. She didn’t get it but she smiled and told Cora that was nice of her and she would love to meet up with her tomorrow.

* * * *

Fenton watched India talking with Cora. He noticed the people in the room as they passed by take notice of her. The same thing happened when they were out walking through town earlier. She stood out. Between her platinum-blonde hair, her blues eyes and sexy body, she was a sight. But that wasn’t all he noticed. She had sophistication, a depth of class and superiority that shined from her, yet she wasn’t stuck up or full of herself. She was sweet, approachable, but she didn’t quite fit into the crowd.

That bothered Fenton. How could they ask her to stay here in Pearl with them when she had so much more in Chicago? What did he personally have to offer her but his body, his commitment, and what? His stubborn, piss-poor attitude and overprotective, possessive behavior? He was a prick and he knew it. No one made him change or want to change but India. But they chose to live here in Pearl and to establish a home and a safe haven in between jobs. India had been forced to come here. She had been abducted, beaten, and then whisked off away from her brother and her friends in the middle of the night in order to keep her safe. She wasn’t even fully conscious the first week, and then barely able to remain coherent for more than an hour or two the next week.

India laughed at something Flynn said and Ford kept his arm over the back of her chair as she chuckled. Avery and Asher asked India about Chicago and about her business.

“So that’s like real high-tech stuff, the designer with computers I mean?” Avery asked.

“It is, but with today’s amazing software, you’d be surprised how easy the programs are to use.”

“So you work for a big company out there?” Asher asked her.

“I used to work for one of the top designer software companies, but then I branched out on my own after I invented a new program that totally changed the technology and programs used.”

“Holy cow, you invented a computer software program?” Flynn asked her and she smiled.

“I did. It’s top notch, but designing entails more than being able to invent and use a program. You have to have a knack for designing, and hands-on technique in creating the right atmosphere the client is looking for.”

“That sounds so interesting. You must be really talented. Where do you work now?” Cora asked her.

“I run my own private company. I pick and choose my clients, that way my schedule is more flexible.”

“That is very impressive, India. Do you have a large client list?” Blade asked her.

Fenton listened as she explained about what she did for a living and he saw the excitement in her eyes as she informed them. She spoke about some of the high-end companies she designed for and about very wealthy business men and women, designing the interior of their homes.

“I recently finished up a ten-thousand-square-foot mansion for a guy, James, who owns multiple oil companies. Very interesting client with extraordinary tastes,” she added. The name clicked. He looked at Ford, then Fisher, who’d also seen the text messages. That guy James was the one who’d texted her about being her bedside aid and caring for her. He felt his anger grow as the food arrived.

Fenton had the sickening jealous feeling in his gut again. This woman drove him mad. She made him want things and feel things he thought he was resistant to.

“Is it hard to work on such large homes like that? I mean I couldn’t even imagine how a designer would go about attacking such a large job,” Beau asked India.

“Well, you kind of take it room by room, but initially there’s a whole feel and style the client is looking for. James was very into unique designs. Sometimes it was easy to please him and other times I needed to think out of the box and spice things up a bit.”

Fenton read into everything she said when it came to this James character. He could just imagine the wealthy fuck standing so close to India as she held up swatches of different types of materials or colors and he sniffed her hair, rubbed his body against her ass. It made Fenton see red.

Thank the lord everyone stopped asking India questions and enjoyed the meal. He, for one, nearly lost his appetite.

He watched her as she dabbed the napkin at the corner of her mouth and sipped the white wine. He wanted her so badly his cock throbbed.

* * * *

Fisher was glad the dinner finally ended as Cora made plans to pick India up tomorrow at eleven. They all said goodnight and Fisher took India’s hand as the six of them headed down the street toward their truck.

“India, there’s something we need to tell you,” Ford said as they continued walking. Fisher gripped her hand a little snugger and she lifted her chin up toward him. He gave her a wink and looked ahead, avoiding her stare.

“Silas called today. He said that it’s safe for you to go back to Chicago.”

“What? When did this happen?” she asked them.

“Earlier. We didn’t want to ruin the dinner tonight. You have a few days before they’ll come to get you. We said that you could stay with us. That we wanted you to,” Ford added.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Town of Pearl Erotic