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“He doesn’t sell them online. It’s a hobby of his and he uses it as a form of therapy,” Fenton added, taking her hand. Flynn noticed that Fenton looked annoyed at her mentioning Chicago and about friends liking the clocks. They still hadn’t told her that her brother called and said that it was safe to return to Chicago.

“Your friends in Chicago probably wouldn’t like them. They’re too country,” he added and they walked inside to wait for the table at the Inn.

* * * *

India loved the small town that seemed to be expanding with new construction. Yet, there was a real appeal to it. It reminded her of something out of a book. The only real differences were that in this town there were many ménage relationships. She took notice of the multiple guys with women walking with children and babies in strollers. It was refreshing to see, but also brought on an ache deep in her heart.

As much as she fantasized about becoming part of the team, it seemed they didn’t want her. She wondered when they would tell her that Silas called and gave the all clear for her to return. She didn’t want to face the pain right now. She really did like the town, and she especially loved the welcoming feeling she had the moment she stepped into the Inn in Main Street.

“Well my goodness, it’s so nice to see you guys here in town. It’s been like what? Six months or so?” a young woman by the entrance asked.

“Oh cut it out, Sage. It hasn’t been that long,” Ford replied.

She giggled and then winked. “I’ve got your table all set for you. So who’s your friend?” she asked and India smiled as Ford introduced her to the woman. She was bright and bubbly and seemed really nice. India reached her hand out to shake Sage’s and the woman winked as she told them to follow her. Sage whispered over her shoulder. “You must be special. I’ve never seen any of these guys with a woman. Hearts are breaking around Pearl tonight,” Sage said and then placed the menus down as India took a seat that Flynn pulled out for her.

She felt her cheeks warm at Sage’s assumption that India was their girlfriend. It was foolish of her not to correct Sage, but considering that the likelihood India would see the woman or this sweet, charming town again was slim, she let it slide.

Flynn ran his hand along her shoulder as he took the seat next to her. Ford took the seat on her other side as the others gathered around the table. Just then Grey stood back up to greet their friends.

India was shocked at how attractive the men were as well as how beautiful their girlfriend Cora was.

India stood up to shake the men’s hands as each of them eyed her over then winked at the men. It was typical. She knew her platinum-blonde hair and blue eyes stood out, as well as her figure, but she wasn’t even wearing anything glamorous. A beige skirt, a light, pale blue sweater, and leather boots, since it was cold outside.

She shook Cora’s hand.

“Wow, you’re gorgeous,” Cora whispered.

“So are you. My God you have great eyes.”

Cora smiled. “Thank you.”

“How about we change up the seating a little so Cora and India can sit side by side?” Blade suggested and Flynn got up and moved around. Ford remained next to India and Blade next to Cora. It was pretty simple to figure out who the commanders were of each team.

The thought brought on a surge of desire once again. She found the possessiveness, the commanding actions so sexy and as she turned to snap out of her fantasy thoughts, she spotted Fenton watching her.

She knew she was busted and soon enough she didn’t really care. If she was going to leave them and they weren’t going to stop her, then at least she would enjoy this time together with them.

“So I thought I would get you guys up to par over the wolves situation near your estate. The Murphys had another attack of livestock last night. Took out some livestock and raided the chicken coops,” Cason told them. Apparently he was a deputy in town just like Grey.

“Oh no. What’s the deal? Is Wyatt calling in for some specialists to come check it out?” Ford asked, sounding concerned.

“He made a call. They should be coming in to investigate this upcoming week. I’d say keep your guns handy. The Murphys think there are at least a half dozen wolves in the one pack.”

“Interesting. Could there be more than one pack like we all first thought?” Fenton asked.

“Could be. We may need your skills for tracking them if another incident happens before the wildlife patrol comes in to investigate,” Cason told Fenton.

“No problem. I think we all need to take the necessary precautions in the early morning hours and of course in the evening hours.”

The men continued to talk about work and things as Cora struck up a conversation about town and the boutiques.

“So, have you gotten to browse the shops in town at all? There are some really nice ones and even better ones that will open in the winter and the spring.”

“No, not really. We parked a few blocks away so that the guys could show me some of the places but that was it.”

“Oh, we should make plans then. Men hate shopping and walking around. To tell you the truth, I don’t really know Fenton, Ford, and Flynn as well as Fisher and Grey. I guess because Fisher and Grey come into town a lot and work in law enforcement. They keep to themselves. But if it’s okay with them, I could show you around tomorrow.”

She glanced at Fenton, who watched her and listened, then Ford g

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Town of Pearl Erotic