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“It will be fine. Everyone in town knows you and you’ll be with us,” Drake told her, joining them and standing behind Diane.

“What if we bring lunch to you and sit out back, behind the boutique on the patio?” Lucas suggested.

She smiled and nodded her head. Lucas smiled and so did Drake and Mark.

“Then it’s settled. We’ll meet you tomorrow at noontime at the boutique with lunch,” Mark told her, and Drake still felt a bit unsure.

He hoped that Diane would keep an open mind about this relationship. He also hoped that she could ease Mark’s mind about work and focus on completely retiring from the military and working for the government. As far as Lucas was concerned, Drake could already see that his brother cared for Diane. Maybe she’d be able to get him to open up his heart, instead of hiding behind his work, and remaining alone all the time.

All Drake could do was wait and see.

Chapter 6

“Are you sure about this? I thought the point of meeting Diane for lunch was so that she can get to know us and we can get to know her?” Drake asked as he stared at Mark who was on the computer in the home office. Lucas was leaning against the doorway with his arms crossed.

“I know, but we said we wanted her to feel comfortable with each of us. You two go ahead and have lunch with her. I’m onto something here and expecting a call from someone. It’s important.”

“It’s about Brenda, isn’t it? I don’t get it. I mean I know that you had a thing with her, and that you worked together, but I thought the commander said he didn’t want you totally involved in the investigation?” Drake asked.

Mark looked up from the computer screen, and Drake could tell he was in a serious state of mind. When his brother was involved with something, he went full throttle.

“Just do this for me. Tell Diane I’ll see her when she’s closing up shop. Try to make plans for dinner tonight with her. As far as with this case, my commander only wants my minimal involvement. I’m willing to use my connections and resources to find out the truth about Brenda. Please understand why this is so important for me to do. I can’t give up on her. I just don’t believe that she’s somehow involved with the bad guys. It’s not like her. She’s missing, and this line of business things aren’t always as they seem. She wouldn’t give up on me if the scenario were reversed.”

“It makes me wonder if your feelings for her weren’t stronger, or if you still have feelings for her.”

“The hell I do. I told you, Drake, nothing was between us. We became friends. We shared our personal lives. I can’t drop this case without knowing the truth about what happened to her.”

“Having sex with a woman you worked undercover with is not anything to take lightly,” Drake added with an attitude. He would be so pissed off at his brother if he became obsessed with finding out about Brenda. He needed to focus on Diane and all four of them.

“First, we didn’t work together undercover. Second, it was sex, plain and simple. Third, I considered her a friend despite the fact that a romantic relationship didn’t work out between us. She felt the same. There are things about this case, about her missing that aren’t adding up. I can’t not try to find out what really happened to her. She wouldn’t give up on me. Not with the information the department is receiving through informants. It’s not adding up.”

“What the hell, Mark? The commander, her commander, thinks she’s with that Persian guy. She committed treason. She chose him instead of her own country and her oath to the United States as an agent. There’s nothing you can do about it.”

“You’re wrong!” Mark raised his voice, and Drake was shocked. He looked toward Lucas, who did what he did best, remained quiet and listened.

“I’m sorry,” Mark began to say.

“Fuck it. Do what you want. Keep letting the government, these people who nearly got you killed time and time again to control your life, and your future. Lucas and I are going after what we want. Diane. The woman we’re practically in love with already.”

Drake headed toward the door and Lucas moved out of the way but then followed him out.

* * * *

Lucas walked with Drake toward the truck. They had already packed a basket with lunch to take to Diane in town.

Drake slammed his hand down on the steering wheel.

“Drake, you need to calm down. This is probably a good idea.”

“How the fuck so, Lucas?”

Drake started the ignition and placed the truck in drive. They headed down the dirt driveway and onto the long main road leading into town.

“We each need to get to know her. She has to feel comfortable with us.”

Drake looked at Lucas. “You’re right. I’m just pissed off at Mark. I want him to stop this shit and do like he planned. Quit the fucking secret jobs for the government and settle down. Every damn case he’s been involved in recently has been more and more dangerous. Hell, I thought we were going to lose him two months ago when he was stabbed. He finally realized that everything he wanted could be lost if he kept up this pace and doing this job.”

“I was scared after that case, too. I think it frightened Mark when he got caught off guard and the guy who he thought was a trustworthy informant tu

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Town of Pearl Erotic