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“Why did you do it?”

She looked down and then back toward him again. “Well, they needed me, and I guess I’ve always been the kind of person that helps others out when they’re in need. I never did anything like that before. I was in a total panic, but they all claimed to not see it. I guess no one saw that.”

“I think everyone was focusing on your beauty, and your body.” He caressed her waist and gently pulled her closer.

She gripped his shoulders. Feeling the muscles beneath her palms made her heart race faster. “But that’s not me. I won’t even go swimming down by the water hole in a bikini because I’m so shy about people seeing my body.”

“Why, when obviously you’re perfect.”

“Perfect? I think not.”

He pulled her onto his lap. She had no choice but to wrap an arm around his shoulders as she lost her balance. He felt just as muscular and solid as Mark and Drake. They were perfect, not her.

“I saw the show,” he whispered and then ran the palm of his hand up and down her arm. She pulled her lip between her teeth and held his gaze waiting for him to say more. When his hand caressed to her shoulder and neck and then he cupped her cheek, she stared at him.

“You were the most beautiful woman on that stage. Not just because of your body or the sexy things you wore, but because of that look in your eyes. The one that revealed your insecurities and your shyness.”

“You could see that?” she asked in amazement.

“I saw that expression pass before your eyes, and then go to that confident expression you get when you’re determined to hide how you really feel.”

She squinted her eyes at him.

He looked at her lips and then back into her eyes. “You had that look on your face in Francine’s the other day when my brothers and I explained about getting to know you better, and that Mark bought all that lingerie for you.”

She didn’t know if she should believe him, but every ounce of her gut instinct told her that Lucas wasn’t lying. Before she could answer, he was pulling her closer.

“The getting to know one another starts now.” He touched his lips to hers and it was soft and gentle, yet just as highly explosive as Drake’s and Mark’s kisses.

He pressed his tongue deeper and she kissed him back, exploring his mouth as they gently dueled for control. She started to caress her hand over his shoulder. She longed to run her fingers through his hair, but the sound of footsteps crossing into the kitchen from the other room had her pulling from Lucas’s lips. He ran his thumb along her bottom lip.

“I could get used to those kisses, Diane. Real used to them.”

* * * *

Drake and Mark walked in on Lucas kissing Diane, and her sitting on his lap. They would make progress with her because the attraction was there. Now it was time to backpedal and make her see she meant something to him, and to Mark and Lucas, before the lingerie show.

She started to get up off of Lucas’s lap when he stopped her.

“Stay.” He caressed her cheek with his hand.

She pressed her hand against his chest and shoulder and picked at the material. She didn’t look up at them.

“I’m sorry about my reaction in the living room. I’m tired, I guess still a little shaky about the weekend. I was on guard after the show, because of the party, and all the people who were talking to me about the show. I guess I just couldn’t wait to get home and get back some normalcy. I know you guys want to get to know me, and I want to get to know each of you.”

“That’s all we’re asking for,” Lucas told her. She nodded her head at Lucas and then looked at Mark and him.

“So, what do you say to having lunch with us tomorrow? Maybe try this out again?” Drake asked.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea.” She slid off Lucas’s lap and began to walk away, but Lucas pulled her back between his legs so she was now facing him.

“What’s wrong?”

She shyly lowered her eyes and then looked at them.

“Well, I don’t exactly know who in town saw the outtakes from the show on the local news stations. I was kind of thinking of lying low for a bit.” She wrung her hands together.

Lucas covered her hands with his.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Town of Pearl Erotic