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“Oh God, I can’t take it.”

She moaned as she lost all ability to hold on as her body tightened then released.

“So good,” Jay said through clenched teeth, and then nipped her nipple as he exploded inside of her.

She was trying to catch her breath as Duke grabbed her hips tight and thrust into her, stroking her ass hard and fast. He was pounding into her,

causing Jay to moan along with her until Duke hollered as he came. He remained still and deep in her ass, breathing heavy against her neck, kissing and nibbling along her skin.

“Incredible,” he whispered.

“Amazing,” Jay said then cupped her cheeks as Duke slowly pulled from her.

“In a heap of trouble,” Sandman added, and she hugged Jay’s neck, not caring about anything but being lost in their arms.

Chapter 16

Camera crews and reporters were swarming around the outside of the Houston Police Department. They were waiting for a statement from the FBI or from the police department but neither was happening.

“This is insane, Captain. I’m telling you why I’ve been trying to find the lieutenant. He’s like family and I’m worried about his safety, sir. All I want to do is find him and bring him in for questioning, so we can settle this matter. He is not the killer,” Frank stated as he looked at Agent Lancaster, wanting to wring his neck.

“I understand that, Detective, but this is not your case. The agents have taken it over and will tell us when we’re needed,” the captain began to say as Agent Lancaster interrupted.

“I don’t want him anywhere near this case, Captain. He could know right now where Donald Friedman is and is withholding that information.”

“What the hell are you…” Frank began to say as he rose from his chair. So did Agent Lancaster.

The captain immediately wedged himself between the two men before they made contact.

“Frank, just calm down and take a seat. Agent Lancaster, I suggest you do the same. You two have been at each other’s throats constantly. This is an intense situation, gentleman, and we need to be professional,” stated the captain as neither man took a seat as asked.

“This guy’s a fucking idiot. Now he’s accusing me of withholding information. Give me a break, you’re so wrapped up in trying to play hero and movie star to the reporters, you’re chasing the wrong guy.” Frank raised his voice as Agent Lancaster moved toward the door.

“Screw you, Frank, and I better not see you anywhere near this case or I’ll have you locked up,” Lancaster threatened him, before he left the room.

“What the hell is wrong with you, Frank? You can’t go around pissing off the FBI. Now tell me what you think you were doing at Donald’s house early this morning?” asked the captain.

“Fuck the FBI. All he’s doing is screwing up this case and wasting time. I think Donald’s in trouble, Captain. You know him as well as I do and there’s no way he’s guilty. I truly feel that the evidence at his house was planted by the real killer,” Frank said, and the captain leaned against the front of his desk.

“You have no proof of this, Frank. I know how close you were to Donald but the evidence is stacked against him. Could you possibly be wrong? I know it’s hard to believe. Shit even I’m still trying to accept this and our hands are tied behind our backs. This case belongs to the FBI, Frank, and there’s nothing we can do about it. Stay away from Donald’s house.”

Frank was mad as hell. “So you think Donald could be the killer and you’re telling me to stop trying to help clear my friend’s name or find him?” Frank asked as he stood up from his chair.

The captain stood next to him and was just as angry as Frank was.

“I’m not going to follow you around, Frank. I can only be aware of what you are doing when you’re in my presence,” he told him.

“So I’m on my own? You don’t know anything?” Frank asked with a smile.

“You’re not on your own, Frank. If something comes up where you need my help, you just call me and I’ll be there. I don’t think Donald’s the killer either,” he said as he walked around his desk. Donald and the captain went way back and Frank knew they were close friends. They were a few years apart, grew up together and even went to the same schools. The captain would do what he could.

Frank knew the captain supported his efforts, and Frank knew the captain had a game to play.

He said thank you then left the office prepared to continue his solo and unofficial investigation.

* * * *

The killer sat in his house, miles away from everyone on acres of property where screams could echo across the deserted land and not be heard. It was an ideal place to act out his fantasies, take his time, enjoy and savor every moment of pleasure.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The American Soldier Collection Erotic