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He was on top of her now, gently holding her arms above her head.

“You’re so tough, I know you can handle it.” He kissed her neck, making kissy noises into it and causing Grace to laugh hysterically.

“Stop it. Stop it. I’m too ticklish.” She could barely get the words out as Big Jay and Duke entered the room wearing only their boxers. She looked toward them until Sandman covered her lips with his.

He moved his legs between hers, pushing up the light cotton nightie she had worn to bed.

Grace wrapped her legs around Sandman’s waist and placed her arms around his neck as he removed his boxer shorts.

Instantly he was inside of her, making love to her as he once again held her arms above her head.

“If this is what punishment is like, I may just have to become a repeat offender,” she said as she giggled.

“What did she do?” Duke asked.

“Look at my desk,” Sandman said through clenched teeth as he stroked her pussy, thrusting his hips until she screamed his name. He followed suit, exploding inside of her.

“You did this?” Duke asked.

Her lips were parted as she tried to calm her breathing.

“So what?” she asked as Sandman pulled out of her then stood up. He reached his hand out, pulling her into his arms. Placing his hand over her ass, he cupped her one cheek.

“I don’t think she’s learned her lesson.”

Grace looked at Duke and Big Jay who had removed their boxers.

“Maybe we can help her learn her lesson.”

Sandman released Grace to Big Jay who sat on the chair and placed her on his lap. She immediately took his cock into her and attacked his mouth, kissing, moaning, then thrusting.

Sandman laughed.

“Somehow I think we’ve released a monster.”

Grace was fully aroused as she thrust up and down Jay’s cock. She was riding him, completely turned on by getting caught in her so-called illegal activity by Sandman.

He was such an enforcer.

Jay grabbed her hips and thrust upward as she thrust down.

“You feel so good, baby, and you’re very wet. I think you like being naughty.”

“Yes, oh God, I love having you inside of me,” she admitted. Then she felt the hand to her shoulder, and Duke pressed her back down so that her chest was snug to Jay’s. He immediately swiped his fingers from her pussy to her anus.

“I don’t know why Sandman didn’t spank this ass. I bet that would teach you about breaking and entering, vandalism, and engaging in criminal activities.”

He pinched her ass and she squealed, feeling her cum drip between her legs. Jay leaned back and she thought they might tumble over but they didn’t. Instead, the move caused her ass to lift up giving Duke better access to her ass.

She felt his finger press between the tight bud.

“Oh please, Duke. Please do something.” She thrust upward and Jay sucked on her breast, pulling the nipple deeper into his mouth.

“Oh.” She moaned as another small eruption hit her pussy just as Duke’s cock pressed through the tight rings of her ass.

“Fuck!” Duke yelled then slapped her ass as he thrust into her all the way.

She grabbed onto Jay’s shoulders and neck. Her breasts were pressed hard against his face, nearly smothering him, but he didn’t seem to mind at all. As she moved up and down along with him, Duke pulled out then shoved back in. She was moving along with them, feeling the fire and excitement as her men filled her with cock.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The American Soldier Collection Erotic