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“Excuse the smell in here. The room was painted a few days ago but you can still smell the paint fumes,” he told her, and then gave that charismatic smile that was so Donald.

“I thought I might e-mail Grace or perhaps call her? I’m not sure what I’m allowed to do. Would that be all right?” she asked hesitantly as Donald rose from his chair.

“You can use this laptop right here, Sarah, and I think Detective Jim Warner is about to call Sandman soon. I have to leave for an hour or so but I’ll check with him and I’ll have one of the agents check up on you in a little while. How does that sound?” Donald asked as he pulled out his chair, offering for her to sit down.

“Thank you, Donald. I’m so glad that you’re part of this investigation. You’ve been part of the family for years and all the kids look up to you,” she said, and he held her gaze. Donald was truly a handsome man. She often wondered why he never remarried after his wife had died. He held her gaze and a funny sensation filled her gut. She shyly looked toward the laptop on his desk

“Let me go check with the detective and you get started.” He began to leave.

Sarah grabbed his hand to stop him.

“Thank you, Donald, for everything.” He smiled back, squeezing her hand.

“Sarah, you know that you can always count on me right?” he asked her as she smiled and nodded yes before walking away.

* * * *

Donald felt his chest tighten as he stared at Sarah before leaving the room. He ran an unsteady hand through his hair. He was in love with a married woman. It was instant and happened the moment they met. She was way too good for Eric but there was nothing he could do about it. He heard they had some troubles and there was a rumor going around town that Eric had cheated on her on multiple occasions. He didn’t know if there was any truth to these r

umors but he knew that if she were his, he would love her, cherish her, and dedicate himself completely to her. He glanced back toward his office before heading to the elevator. Her heart was breaking and all he wanted to do was hold her, comfort her.

Donald bumped into Jim and asked him to assist Sarah. He of course obliged as he headed into Donald’s office.

* * * *

“Thank you for your help, Jim. I can take it from here,” Sarah said as Jim gave her a soft smile. He was a good man. He was married and shared his wife with his best friend. Of course Sarah found it difficult to believe such relationships existed, but who was she to judge? Her own relationship with her husband was questionable. She had been denying the fact that he truly didn’t love her anymore. She even believed that Eric was cheating on her. She couldn’t confront him though. Then she would be left completely alone. Instead she submerged herself in her volunteer work and pretended pure happiness with Eric.

She thought about Donald. Donald was so handsome, so kind and understanding. He always knew what she was thinking and what she needed. She couldn’t help but be attracted to him but she was a married woman and Eric was her husband. She pushed the thoughts from her mind as she sat down and began typing.

* * * *

Grace’s cousin Jamie had arrived home after food shopping. She was enjoying her new role as wife and career woman. It was her day off from the accounting firm where she worked as an office manager. She had taken the day off to go visit Sarah. It was the anniversary of Clara’s death today and she knew Grace was in protective custody. There was no way Sarah could speak to her on the phone and Jamie felt she should spend some time with her aunt. Sarah had planned to go by the police station to e-mail Grace and talk to Donald.

Jamie had left Sarah’s house around an hour ago and decided to get the supplies she needed to cook dinner. She was planning on making a gourmet meal for her new husband Tod who was due home at around five this evening.

As Jamie unpacked her shopping bags placing the fresh spinach into the vegetable compartment in the refrigerator and putting the butter and eggs away, she heard a noise come from the upstairs. It sounded like Precious, her Siamese cat, had knocked over the planter in the hallway again.

Jamie stopped what she was doing and headed up the stairs. She noticed the planter lying on the floor and this time the cat made a big mess.

Jamie yelled out her name as she bent down and began cleaning.

“Damn it, Precious, why do you always have to do this? I have a dinner to get started,” Jamie said as she gathered up the broken pieces.

She never heard a sound or felt the presence behind her until it was too late. Suddenly she was grabbed from behind and Jamie began to scream.

The man sprayed something into her eyes and she couldn’t see. Her eyes were burning as the attacker covered them with masking tape.

She was screaming now, scared out of her mind as her attacker punched her in the mouth, trying to shut her up as he pulled the tape tightly across her mouth then patted it closed making sure it would stay put.

“Shut up, bitch. Or I’ll kill you right now.” He hissed at her as he threw her over his shoulder and carried her to the bedroom.

* * * *

The killer tossed Jamie onto the bed and then walked over toward the window where he had already closed the blinds.

This was real risky doing this in the daylight. He was taking a big chance. He was desperate and as they said, desperate times call for desperate measures.

He looked at his latest victim. This would send the message to Grace. Come home or your family and friends are next.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The American Soldier Collection Erotic