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“Damn, Grace. That’s it. That’s what I feel, too.” He pressed his cock between her wet folds and pushed into her.

She gripped his forearms as he pulled out of her then pushed back in. They held gazes and she saw the deep emotion in his eyes. She felt the connection to him with her heart and soul.

He must have felt it, too, as he increased his speed and stroked her pussy over and over again, bending his body to penetrate her deeper. She was screaming his name, panting for breath when he exploded inside of her.

“I love you. You’re mine forever.” He held her to him as the water sprayed over their bodies. She didn’t care how long they stayed in this position with him inside of her, just as long she could have him and his brothers forever.

In the back of her mind, she sensed the feeling of foreboding. It was there, just at the edge of their happiness. The four of them wouldn’t have a future until the killer was found.

Chapter 13

“Are you kidding me? Of course she trusts us or we wouldn’t be in the position we are right now or feeling the way we do. She needs us, as much as we need her. That poor girl has been running scared for years and rightly so, I might add. She finally decides to come home and she’s faced with her sister’s murder again, nearly has her head shot off, touches evidence from a murder, is hauled off in disguise from her family and friends. Then she comes here and falls in love with us, starts pushing herself to solve these crimes along with us, never mind the anniversary of her sister’s death is tomorrow. No wonder she fainted,” Big Jay stated as he, Duke, and Sandman stood in the kitchen. It was late in the evening and they all dreaded what tomorrow may bring for Grace emotionally.

“I feel like I don’t know what else I can do for her. I’m not sure she holds the key to catching this guy. I’d rather be protective and keep her out of the loop of everything. Ya know? Isolated from the entire case until this guy is caught,” Sandman admitted.

“We feel the same way, but that’s not an option. She was good the last few days, coming up with a profile, trying to find something to help in the investigation. We can’t put a wall up now or that wall will go up between us and our relationship, too,” Duke said.

“Yes, we have to stay focused. We need to be there for Grace because we’re in love with her and together we can protect her. Wrap things up so we can start focusing on each other. She obviously feels like she can help in some way. If these killings continue, you know what your superiors are going to want to do. This guy killed a cop. The feds are right there itching to take over this case,” Duke added.

“I know that. I’ve been avoiding that thought for days. I also know who they sent in and he doesn’t give a shit about anyone or anything he has to bulldoze over or use to get to the killer,” Sandman added. “They’ll want to use Grace as bait.” He rose from the chair.

“You’re damn straight. You know you’ll have no control over that decision. We won’t be able to stop them, and knowing Grace, she’ll do it. She’s emotionally distraught and wants to be with her family. She wants a normal life,” Big Jay said then pushed an envelope across the table toward Sandman.

“What’s this?”

“I picked up these pictures Grace took last week. She had asked me to get them developed for her. She’s a great photographer. I’ve never seen pictures like these before,” Big Jay said.

“She took some nice candid shots of us, but some amazing ones of you,” Duke added.

Sandman sat at the island thinking about Grace as he opened the envelope.

She had taken gorgeous pictures of the landscaping around the property along with individual pictures of the Koi in the pond as well as candid shots of Big Jay cooking and working and Duke trying to act cool. He chuckled as he scanned through the pictures. As he viewed each photograph he saw some of him that he hadn’t even known she had taken. The first one showed him sitting at his desk looking over some files. One showed him talking on the phone, holding his laptop on his lap, and drinking a cup of coffee.

There was even one of him cooking in the kitchen, talking to his brothers.

The pictures were great and he was impressed with Grace’s talent. He also had an instant thought that brought on worry and fear. She was a professional photographer. She had a career, a life in Europe. This visit to her family was for a wedding and she hadn’t planned on staying in the United States long. He couldn’t stand in the way of her career and what she so obviously loved and enjoyed doing.

He looked at his brothers.

“Once this is all over, we’ll work things out. We’ll figure out how she can continue her career as we continue ours.” Duke seemed as if he were trying to convince himself as he said the words

“We need to stay focused. You can handle this, Sandman. You’re one of the best.” Big Jay gave his brother a squeeze on his shoulder.

Sandman looked at the clock. They needed to head to bed. Tomorrow was going to be a doozy of a day.

“We should get to bed. Grace doesn’t like to wake up alone,” he said as he numbly headed upstairs. His heart was heavy. His mind consumed with the case, with a future for his brothers, him, and Grace, and with finding the person who held the cards in his hands and ultimately held their fate.

* * * *

The agents were questioning suspects all night and had just begun a new list this morning. They were coming up with dead ends and wondered what to do next.

Sarah walked into the police department and received warm welcomes from everyone that knew her. She headed toward Donald’s office to see if she could talk to her daughter or perhaps e-mail her.

“Sarah, how are you?” Donald asked, as he rose from his chair and greeted her.

Sarah smiled at Donald as she walked into the room. He was a handsome man and had become such a close friend of the family. She knew he would always be there for her and her children. God knew how much they adored him.

She said hello and took a seat across from Donald’s desk.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The American Soldier Collection Erotic