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This is not the romantic, passionate interlude we had before. This is a rough and thorough punishment delivered both to my ass and my pussy. As if to ram the humiliating point home, he pulls free of my dripping sex before I can come. He lifts me up from the floor and stands me in front of him, naked, sore, and now incredibly aroused.

“If you disobey me, you will be spanked,” he tells me. “Say that back to me.”

Squirming before his dominant frame, I can barely form the words.

“Say them, or I will take the lash to you and you will say them anyway.”

“If I disobey you, I’ll be spanked,” I murmur, hating the way my face flushes bright red.

“That’s right. And you will be fucked and spanked, daily if necessary. It is obvious you have no regard for common sense or your own safety. It’s not your fault. You are a young human female. You are a silly little thing who will have to be brought along and trained.”

I bristle at his assessment of me, but my ass is aching and I cannot argue. He caught me with the greatest of ease. I thought I might at least led him on a chase, but there was barely any chase at all.

“You’ve lost the privilege of my quarters, of course.”

“Of course,” I mumble under my breath.

“Careful,” he growls. “You can always be spanked again. Remember that.”

I officially do not know what to do with myself. This alien has stripped me of my dignity, of my freedom, and of my virginity. I may have given him my virtue, but I certainly never intended to sacrifice myself completely.

“This is fucked up,” I mutter beneath my breath, the fading pulse of my not quite achieved orgasm making me ever so uncomfortable.

“This is what you deserve,” he counters, clasping my chin in his massive and yes, I would say, cruel paw.

I disagree, but I know I cannot say that. He does not care if I agree or not. He is laying down his animal law and I can obey, or be punished. And all the while, I cannot forget how he was when we first met—only a matter of hours ago. He was a snarling, vicious, angry creature humiliated by the wild things. He was swearing death and vengeance upon me. And like an idiot, I slept with him.

And now…

Now he has me.

He uses chains and cuffs, fastening the cuffs around my ankles and my wrists. The entire time he is shackling me, I feel both foolish for having thought I could escape him so easily, and filled with a strange anticipation for what he will do next. I have developed a strange mindset on the wild planet. I thought when I was left there and everything burned down that my life was over. Then I was saved, and I learned that I am not in any more control of how things end than I was over how things began. I am in a river of destiny and fate, cause and effect. I can try to make the best decisions, but there will always be some greater force with a more powerful influence.

Right now, that greater force is Volt.

As soon as he has me shackled at all four points, he positions me up against a wall and uses some kind of magnetic or electric devices to make the cuffs stick. I find myself with a view of nothing besides the holographic dungeon, my rear exposed to him as I drip seed from my sex.

His teeth meet the back of my neck and I feel him surge inside me again. I can always be spanked again, he said, but it is obvious that I can also always be fucked again. His lust seems to have no limits.

“You need to be bred,” he growls. “You need to be filled up with my seed and my pup and you need to submit to me. Understand?”

“Yes!” I wail the word. I understand. I understand that escape is futile and impossible. This alien wants me more than anybody has ever wanted me. He will chase me and he will claim me.

* * *


She’s so fucking hot. And absolutely adorable. I could not stop laughing at her escape attempt. It was just so foolish and so obviously doomed to fail, but I suppose her willingness to try was admirable.

I will enjoy her in so many ways, even more than I suspected I would. I knew the moment I sank inside her that she belonged to me, but I did not expect to enjoy her this much. Feeling her struggle against the shackles is also very entertaining, especially as most of her movements are serving to grind her wet human cunt along my cock. She’s fucking herself on me. I reach around and play with her pussy, where a soft little bud hiding between her lips contains a great number of sensitive nerve endings. I had been researching how to fuck a human on the computer’s database when she attempted to run away. Now I am armed with additional knowledge. There is the clit, which makes her let out throaty groans when I toy with it, and then there are her nipples. I let her clit go and move my fingers to her breasts, experimenting with her nipples. The effect is immediate and very pleasing. I feel her clench on my cock, her hips making what seem to be instinctual squirming motions as if to help wind her down all the way on my dick.

Tags: Loki Renard Fantasy