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There’s a short corridor leading directly to a small shuttle. I have a brief moment of concern thinking I might not know how to use Vulpari technology, but it turns out that the shuttle, like the language we speak, is intergalactic standard. Far easier to get parts for. And well within my scope of knowledge. Steve made sure that I knew how to pilot an escape vessel in case of emergencies. His lessons are about to save my life.

“Hold on, Bilbo. This could get rocky,” I warn him as I leap into the pilot’s chair, pull the harness over my shoulders and make sure I am all buckled in. I am prepared for a chase.

I hit the ignition and slam the accelerator control forward. The shuttle skims down the escape path in the blink of an eye. Space envelops us, and in an instant I am free.

I find myself crying tears of relief. I had no idea that I had missed flight so much. There is a sensation of motion and acceleration in these little birds like no other. I spin the controls, rolling the vessel over a full three hundred and sixty degrees. My stomach lurches and Bilbo floats momentarily in midair before coming back to land on all four hooves.

The intercom comes to life. I should have turned it off, but I was too busy, you know, escaping.

“Penelope, turn that shuttle around immediately and return to the ship.”

Volt’s voice is surprisingly calm and measured given I’ve uncovered his security measures and stolen a shuttle, though given the size of the warship in my rearview scanner, I guess they can probably spare a shuttle or two without noticing.

“If I have to come and get you, you are going to regret it,” he promises me, still in that ever so slightly bored tone that absolutely confuses me.

“You can try,” I reply, turning the intercom off and putting the ship into extra overdrive. It will burn the fuel faster than anything, but I need to put as much distance between us as possible. I don’t know what they’ll send after me. Fighters, probably. They’ll be faster and more agile, but they won’t be able to actually stop me.


The ship appears in front of me in an instant. All the distance I have traveled is rendered null and void by the jump it just made. One moment it was a quarter of a lightyear behind me, the next I have to jerk the controls to avoid smashing into the side of the bloody thing.

“Penelope.” Volt’s voice reaches me again. He must have overridden the intercom controls. “Remember later, I gave you the chance to behave.”

I don’t have an opportunity to respond to that, because the intercom is not the only thing he has taken control of. I find myself and Bilbo beamed in that stomach-churning way from the interior of the shuttle to a room that I am assuming is on the ship.

This place looks like a dungeon.

Volt is standing in front of me, his arms folded over his chest, a thick dark brow raised at me.

“I warned you,” he says.

Before I know what is happening, his big alien palm is meeting my rear with stinging strokes. He has swept me up with one arm around my waist and is letting me dangle from his grip. He is so much larger and stronger he seems to have no trouble whatsoever holding me in what should be an awkward position for him. My head dangles toward the floor as my ass is set alight with a hard spanking delivered to my bare ass.

I don’t know when my clothes were taken from me. Somewhere in the transporter process, I guess. I can’t really contemplate all the hows and the whats while he is spanking me. Every slap is sending hot shocks through my body, making me wail, making me writhe, making me regret not obeying him when I had the chance.

“You are a naughty little girl,” he growls. “I have no intention of tolerating your disobedience, and even less intention of allowing you to run riot on or off my ship. We are creatures of order, and you will submit to that order. Do you understand me?”

“Yes!” I scream in the affirmative, because my ass feels as though it is going to swell to twice its size and maybe be transformed into some volcanic compound.


He drops me onto the floor, his hand in my hair. He controls me easily, handles me with what almost seems like practiced ease. He is behind me in an instant, his hot alien cock finding the spanked, slick slit between my thighs. Volt is inside me in an instant, fucking me with swift, firm, disciplinary strokes.

I grunt and moan, caught on hands and knees once more as he grips me by the hips and draws me along his rod back and forth, occasionally slapping my ass to make my cunt clench around him even more needfully than before.

Tags: Loki Renard Fantasy