Page 37 of His Omega's Keeper

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I wanted Jake’s.

As his mouth met mine, I had a feeling of rightness than I can’t quite explain. It sounds cliché, but it really felt like we were two pieces of the same puzzle and we just clicked right into place. His mouth felt perfect against mine—hot and sweet and he was gentle and slow, unlike most of the other guys I’d kissed, who always seemed to be in a hurry to ram their tongues down my throat.

Not Jake. He kissed me softly and slowly for a long, long time. His free hand, the one that wasn’t cuffed, came up to cradle my neck and cheek and he brushed his thumb over my cheekbone as he slowly took my mouth with his own.

I took him right back, unable to help myself. After what felt like a million years, I dared to part my mouth and lap delicately at the seam of his lips. I felt him hesitate for a moment and then his lips opened, inviting me in.

I slipped my tongue into his mouth, carefully at first, not sure if this was really all right. Jake met me and sucked the tip of my tongue, inviting me further in, inviting me to explore him, to know him the way I had never known anyone else.

No boy had ever kissed me like this before. And maybe that was part of the difference—Jake was a man and he knew how to take things slow, how to be gentle. He let me taste him and then he tasted me in return, slowly slipping his tongue between my lips and exploring me the way he had allowed me to explore him.

He tasted of orange juice and heat and warm, wet desire and I completely lost myself in him. I forgot that he was my stepbrother—forgot that we were being forced to do this. I forgot everything except that for the first time in my life, it felt right to kiss someone—and I never wanted to stop.

At last, though, after what felt like a million years, but was probably more like ten or twelve minutes, Jake drew back, panting.

“There,” he said, his voice low and hoarse. “We kissed. Are you satisfied?”

Feeling half dazed, I turned my head to look at our captors—I had forgotten all about them in the deep rightness of the kiss.

“Oh…” Ophelia had her hands clasped under her chin. She looked for all the world like a woman watching the most romantic movie ever. “Oh, that was beautiful,” she breathed.

“Yeah, it was all right—but it ain’t enough to turn that box from yellow to red,” Tainer said. “Suck her titties.”

“Excuse me?” I exclaimed, covering my breasts protectively.

“You’ve got to be kidding,” Jake said flatly.

“No, I ain’t.” Tainer waved the gun at us. “Go on—you heard me. Suck her titties.”

“But do it softly and gently,” Ophelia put in. “Make it romantic.”

Well, so much for hoping she would stop this in its tracks—clearly she was into it now, I thought. I looked at Jake, biting my lower lip.

“I won’t do it if you don’t want me to, Ani,” he said in a low voice. “They can shoot me if they want—Weres regenerate quickly.”

“No!” I exclaimed, my eyes going wide. “No, Jake—I don’t want you getting shot!”

“I don’t want to do something you don’t want me to,” he argued.

“It won’t be so bad,” I said, avoiding the idea of whether I “wanted” him to or not. “As…as long as you’re gentle,” I added. “I’ve never…no one has ever done that to me before.”

“I know, little Ani.” He cupped my cheek in his big, warm hand. “My innocent little Ani.”

“Get on with it!” Tainer demanded. “We ain’t got all day!”

“All right, all right—I’m the Innocent Omega, remember—don’t rush me!” I snapped at him. Then, as I had before, I turned away from him and Ophelia and looked only at Jake. Raising myself up on my knees, I presented my bare breasts to him. “I…I’m ready,” I whispered.

Jake still looked like he might refuse but Tainer was clearly getting an itchy trigger finger. Deciding not to wait any longer, I cupped my left breast and pressed the tight, pink nipple against his lips.

Jake made a sound that was almost like a groan and then his lips parted and he was sucking my nipple into his mouth.

I moaned softly as I felt him circle the tight, pink bud with his hot tongue, going around and around the turgid peak until I felt like my whole body might melt from the pleasure.

As I’d told him, I had never let another guy do this to me—I could barely stand to let anyone touch my breasts, let alone kiss or suck them. But again, it was different with Jake. The way he was gently nursing my nipple was sending sparks of pleasure down my spine and straight to my pussy. As he sucked harder, I could actually feel myself getting wet and swollen between my legs—a sensation I frankly had never experienced before. Not with another guy and not by myself either. I honestly, before that moment, had never been aroused before—not in any significant way, anyway.

Tags: Evangeline Anderson Fantasy