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After an hour of tossing and turning, I throw in the towel. I’d be better off at home in my bed. I’m about to leave, but then I remember Dean asking me to stay as a favor to him. He’ll panic if I’m not here when he wakes up. Maybe I need a more comfortable place to sleep.

I tiptoe to his room, which is infused with the smell of his woodsy cologne and Fia’s baby lotion. I slide into bed and curl up next to him, placing my head on his chest.

“Glad you came,” he grumbles.

I actually didn’t, but I’m hoping to. Soon. Being around him is like a shock to my system every time. How’s it possible to want a guy so much and not be able to make that step?


The next morning, I’m lying in bed, still half asleep, when I realize Lara is next to me, facing away. And there’s this second where I’ve forgotten all the shit happening in my life. Everything is perfect. There’s this amazing woman in my bed, who’s taking over my heart. Lust has always been there for her, but there’s something sexy and delicious about the pace we’re taking. There’s a desire building in my chest, in my heart, and…In my shorts.

Oh fuck. I look under the covers at my morning wood. I turn my head, grateful that Lara is still sleeping.

I slowly slide from the bed and am almost to the doorway when Fia whimpers in her crib. I clench my eyes shut, as if that’ll magically stop her from waking up Lara.

But, alas, my only choice is getting to the bathroom quickly and resolving the issue. Go, go, go.


I freeze but don’t turn around. Otherwise, Lara’ll see my enormous morning salute. “Be right back. Just going to the bathroom.”

“Do you have a boner, Dean?” she says teasingly.

“I’m hating you right now.” I march to the bathroom, the sound of Lara’s giggles fading as I close the door.

Luckily, my issue is resolved with a quick-and-easy emptying of the bladder along with a short visualization sequence involving grandmas in enormous old lady panties and support bras—a trick I learned when I was in my teens and my elderly neighbor’s mail came to our apartment by accident. I thought I’d find something exciting in her Woman’s Wear catalog. Imagine my surprise when I couldn’t have an erection for an entire month.

I gargle with mouthwash and return to my room. Lara is still in my bed, and dammit if I don’t want her. But I can’t go there until she’s ready. Also, baby.

“Everything taken care of?” she mutters with her eyes closed.

“Yes. Thank you.”

“It’s okay, Dean.” She cracks open one eye. “I’m a grown woman. I know what happens to men in the morning.”

“I’m sure you do, but I’m trying to keep the mystery alive for as long as possible. Because once you see it all, the magic is lost.”

“Hilarious.” She chuckles. “So how did you sleep?”

I sit beside her on the bed. “Better than ever. Even Fia slept through the night. Maybe it’s a sign.” I gaze into her soft brown eyes. I want to take things to the next level: naked. So waiting is going to be difficult.

“So what’s the plan for today?” she asks with a strain in her voice. I know she’s worried like I am about this Tony guy.

“Good question.” I throw my head back and exhale. “I have practice tonight.”


“I can ask Coach’s wife to help with Fia,” I say.

“What happened to your neighbor, that Nina woman?”

“She sees a future for us I don’t share—one that doesn’t include Fia.”

“She actually said that?” Lara asks.

“Pretty much. Also, I want a future with you, so that puts a damper on her evil plot to become my vag-tator.”

“What’s that?”

“The female version of dictator.” I crack a smile. “It’s also a food-fetish thing Mike told me about. You don’t want to know.”

“You’re absolutely correct.” Lara sits up, and I try not to check her out. Might come off as creepy after my boner incident.

“Well,” she continues, “I have to be at the Ranch in forty minutes. Why don’t I watch her tonight? I can be back around 4:30.”

“You don’t have to do that,” I say.

“I want to. I think I want to face this head-on. Otherwise, I’m going to keep living in the past.”

I can’t help beaming at her. Lara’s strength is what first attracted me—she’s a confident woman—but she’s also warm and caring.

“What?” Her cheeks flush.

I brush my hand over her soft cheek. “I could get used to seeing you in my bed.” I start to lean in for a kiss. I don’t even care if she has morning breath. I’d kiss her even if she’d just eaten a pile of sardines or the world’s hottest chili pepper.

“Wah!” Fia’s tiny voice pierces my ears.

Tags: Mimi Jean Pamfiloff Romance