Page 14 of Unexpected Mates

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“So what’s really going on with Parker, Ty? That bullshit excuse about a website doesn’t fly, and I saw you two on the porch. You were awful cozy, touching her and everything. Looked like you were on your way to the bedroom.”

Ty heaved a sigh, looking down and studying his hands. He hadn’t planned on telling his brother yet. Hell, he hadn’t thought about telling anyone at all yet, although he realized how stupid that was. He should have sat his brother down last night, before Parker even got here.

“Ty,” his brother said quietly. “What’s going on? I hope you and your wolf aren’t fucking with Parker. She’s a sweet girl, and half the girls at school were always nasty to her. You saw how Wendy and Hannah were the other night. She doesn’t deserve you screwing with her, too.”

Tyler stiffened, glaring at Chase. “When have I ever fucked with a woman like that, Chase? You know me better than that.”

Chase sighed. “Yes, I know you, Ty. And that means I know you fight your wolf for control every damn day. How am I supposed to know when he finally makes you snap? Although,” Chase said, staring at Ty contemplatively, “you’ve been more relaxed, more settled, the last few months. So I repeat, what the hell is going on?”

Rubbing his hand down his face wearily, Ty eyed his brother for a moment. Might as well get it over with. “Parker is pregnant. With my pup.”

Chase’s mouth popped open as he looked at Ty with shock on his face. “Pregnant? When the hell did that happen?”

“Four months ago. The last time we’d gone to Cocky Pete’s. Parker was there, too, and one thing led to another…” he said, his voice trailing off. “That’s why she came in the other night and asked me if I’d meet her. She wanted to tell me. Yesterday she did.”

“Shit, Ty,” Chase replied. “You’re going to be a dad? Is this why you’ve been so different lately? Wait, you just found out yesterday. That can’t be it.”

Ty didn’t want to go there, but if anyone deserved an explanation, it was his brother. “My wolf has been more settled and quiet since that night four months ago. I think… I wonder if she’s my mate.”

Chase stared. “You think? Isn’t that something you’d know?”

Ty rubbed a hand over his face. “My wolf hasn’t actually said she is. I just don’t see how it could be anything else, though. What else would make my wolf suddenly more sane?”

They talked things through for a few moments, coming no closer to a verdict, before Leah stuck her head in to tell them lunch was ready. Ty stood up and followed his brother to the door, suddenly anxious to see Parker again.

That evening after an excellent dinner and a day spent lazing around and getting no work done, Parker walked around the farm with Ty by her side. He was showing her where everything was on the farm, familiarizing her with everything. They were walking past a cabin where he told her one of his farm hands, Garret, lived, when the door opened and a tall man with reddish brown hair stepped out.

It was the other man from Cocky Pete’s. Parker gave him a strained smile, suddenly feeling the crippling social anxiety come over her. It was strange, feeling it after being so relaxed all day. She felt oddly at ease with Tyler and Chase, but apparently that was as far as it extended.

The man, Garret, seemed to be sober and serious, extending a greeting that was barely polite before turning to Ty to ask about some farm issue. She noticed as they talked though that he kept stealing glances at her belly, and she rubbed it with one hand self-consciously. She’d always had a gently rounded belly, but it was more rounded than ever now, with the baby growing. She couldn’t help but be aware of how instead of looking pregnant right now, she just looked like she was even chubbier than usual


Garret surprised her, though. Turning to her, he said quietly, “You’re expecting?”

She slanted a look at Ty, noting that he didn’t seem as surprised as she was with the observation. When he just shrugged, she turned back to Garret, replying, “Yes. I’m four months along.”

Looking between her and Tyler, he finally smiled slightly, the first one she’d seen since he’d come outside. “Congrats, you two. I’ll leave you to your night.”

Parker frowned as she watched him walk outside. “How did he know that I was pregnant? Or that it was yours?”

Ty shifted uneasily before he urged her to start walking again. “Well, you are showing. I noticed it now that you’re not wearing one of those baggy shirts. He probably just put two and two together with you suddenly showing up here that it’s mine.”

Parker studied him in silence, sensing there was more to the story, but dropped it when she saw how uncomfortable he was. What he said seemed unlikely, but she supposed it could be true.

Ty finished up his tour and they ended up in front of the porch just as the sun was setting. Parker turned to him to say something, but all thoughts flew from her head when she took note of how Ty was looking at her. His chocolate colored eyes were filled with heat, and she tipped her head back as he moved in closer.

His hands found her hips and Parker’s breath caught as he pulled her in closer. The heat from his body made her shiver, and her blood was warming up. Just from the simple touch of his hands on her and the closeness of their bodies.

“I’ve been wanting to kiss you all day,” Tyler said huskily. “It’s been hell trying to resist you, and I don’t think I can anymore. You’re so damn beautiful, Parker. Tell me you want this.”

Parker swallowed hard, lost in his eyes. “I want this,” she breathed.

Ty leaned in slowly, his breath wafting across her lips as he hesitated for a moment more, drawing out the anticipation, before he leaned in and placed his lips on hers.

Finally. She’d been wanting this, longed to feel his mouth on hers again, for four months. She’d spent countless hours reliving the feel of his lips, and even more hours daydreaming of it happening again.

And now it was, and it was even better than she remembered. Her whole body felt alive in a way it hadn’t in months, in a way it only had one other time in her life. Ty’s tongue brushed her lips, and Parker moaned at the feel of it as she opened up and let him inside. His tongue brushed hers gently before tangling with hers and becoming more aggressive.

Tags: Grace Brennan Paranormal