Page 13 of Unexpected Mates

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Ty’s gaze dropped to where her hand was caressing her stomach and a look of surprise crossed his face. “Are you showing already?”

Parker looked at him, eyebrows raised. “You can tell?”

The look he shot her, heat in his chocolate brown eyes, warmed her to her toes. “Now that you’re not wearing one of those baggy shirts, yeah. I paid very close attention to your body that night, Parker.”

Parker blushed and turned her head away. She didn’t know if she felt pleasure or embarrassment. This man, this gorgeous man who made her blood heat and her body tingle, had seen her naked. She wasn’t supermodel pretty like Wendy and Hannah, or even like her sister. She was short and chubby, and Ty was definitely out of her league.

Ty cleared his throat. “When are you due? I never asked.”

Parker smiled, rubbing her belly. “November twentieth, they said. I made an appointment at the obstetrician here in town. It’s next week, and you can come with me if you’d like. They’ll probably do an ultrasound. You’ll be able to hear the heartbeat and see the baby.”

Tyler looked at her in surprise, something dark flashing in his eyes, there and gone before Parker could analyze it. “You wouldn’t mind if I went with you?”

Shaking her head, Parker replied, “Not at all. This is your baby, too. You should get to take part in all of it, even this, if you want to.”

A slow smile spread across Ty’s face, and Parker’s breath caught. He was always gorgeous, but when he smiled, it took her breath away.

“I’d like that,” he said huskily, gaze dropping to her lips when her tongue darted out to wet them. He had leaned in, lips a breath away from hers, when she gasped and pulled back.

She put both hands on her stomach, going still and holding her breath. There it was. A flutter inside, like butterfly wings. It was amazing. That was her baby. Her and Ty’s baby.

“What? What is it? Is something wrong?” Ty asked anxiously.

Parker turned to him, grinning so big that her cheeks were touching her glasses. “I felt the baby move. I thought I felt it before, but I wasn’t sure. I am this time, though. I just felt our baby move.”

Ty’s gaze dropped to her stomach, and the yearning in them stole the breath that she’d just gotten back. “What did it feel like?”

Parker pursed her lips, thinking. “It was like a flutter inside me. Like butterfly wings. Stronger than I’ve ever felt it, but still light.” She smiled. “There it was again! Do… do you want to try to feel? I’m not sure you can, but you can try.”

Ty’s eyes immediately shot to hers. “Can I? You wouldn’t mind?”

“Of course not,” she said gently. “Anything to do with the baby, Ty, is okay. Nothing is off limits. This is your baby, too.”

Ty had gratitude in his eyes, but he was hesitating, yearning still in his gaze as he looked at her belly. Parker reached over and grabbed his hand, trying her best to ignore the zing of awareness that shot through her body, and placed it on her belly where she’d felt the flutters. His big hand was warm and strong as it rested on her stomach, and tingles were spreading where it rested, making Parker want to squirm.

She felt the flutters again. “There it was! Did you feel it?”

Ty looked disappointed. “No, I didn’t.”

Parker patted his hand. “I didn’t think you would, but don’t worry. You’ll be able to soon.”

Tyler looked reluctant as he pulled his hand away. “I need to get some work done in the office, but it shouldn’t take me long. Lunch will be ready soon and then after that, I’m all yours.”

Ty got up and walked back inside, and Parker fanned herself as she replayed his words. She knew he didn’t mean them in an I’m yours forever kind of way, but her body had reacted to them as if he had, just the same. But she didn’t think he would ever mean them like she wanted him to, and sadness suddenly overwhelmed her. She loved this baby with everything in her already, and she’d never regret getting pregnant and bringing him or her into the world. But she couldn’t deny that this was probably going to end badly for her, either. Her heart was already half lost to Tyler, and she had a feeling that by the time this baby was born, he’d own every corner of it.

Chapter Seven

Tyler was trying to work. He really was. But he kept replaying those moments on the porch swing with Parker. She had looked gut wrenchingly beautiful, her long black curls lifting slightly in the breeze. He thought what he’d heard about pregnant women glowing must be true because her pale, creamy skin had looked like it was. He’d been hard from almost the moment he sat down, and he’d wanted nothing more than to kiss her plump lips.

He’d been so close, too. He shifted in his chair, hardening again just thinking about it.

Then they’d been interrupted. By their baby. She’d felt the pup move. He’d have given anything to feel it with her, but like she said, hopefully soon he’d be able to. And next week, he’d get to hear it. See it. His heart felt like it was swelling in his chest, something he wasn’t sure he’d ever felt before.

He was rubbing at the strange feeling when a thought hit him and he froze. What if having the baby inside of her changed her? What if they took blood or something, and were able to tell that what she was carrying wasn’t the average human?

Tyler’s head lowered and he slumped in his chair. One more thing to worry about, on top of what felt like an avalanche of worries, crashing into him on repeat. He’d never been one to worry overmuch about shit, but it looked like this was his life from now on.

Suddenly aware of another presence, he looked up and found Chase in the doorway, studying him intently. His brother sauntered in the room and took a seat in front of the desk.

Tags: Grace Brennan Paranormal