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I heard that you can get molds of your partner’s junk made into dildos for when they’re not around…I think we’re going to have to look into that for the next time you decide to get deployed and leave me behind all wanting and needy.

Moving on from my horn dog desires and onto this surprise, It’s a fucking good one. At least, I hope you think it’s a good surprise. Otherwise…tough shit! I think you’re going to love it. I’m so excited about it!

How much longer are you going to be gone? This whole waiting to get you home thing is getting annoying. At the start, I was coping pretty well, but now it’s like playing a game of monopoly when you’re losing against Noah – It sucks and I want it to end, but no matter what I do, nothing will change. I just have to wait it out.

I’ve been spending some time with your mom. She’s wasn’t settling in with her job and apparently, her boss was an ass, so Noah went in and dealt with him while Henley and I got her a new job in a clothing store. She seems much happier now. She’s doing really well. You should be proud of her. She tells me every day how much she misses you. You probably should have told her about the tropical beach thing too!

I miss you. These past five months have been driving me crazy but every day that passes means one less day until I get to see you again…whenever that might be.

I love you so much.

Do unspeakable things to yourself tonight while you think about me, and I promise, I’ll do the same!



PS I’m getting cushion covers made with your drawing on them to replace all the ones in my apartment. Maybe I’ll get some pillowcases and some tanks made up too!!

Six and a Half Months Deployed


I’m fucking coming home, baby!!!!!!!

I don’t know when you’re going to get this letter. It could be days or it could be weeks, but just know, that when I get home, I expect to find you as naked as the day you were born, ready and waiting for me. Hell, you better warm up my side of the bed because I have no intention of leaving it.

This is finally it, babe! I’m coming home and now it’s our time to shine. We’re going to make this happen. You and me; this is the start of the rest of our lives and I get to spend every day of forever showing you just how much you mean to me.

I’ve told you a million times before that you’re my world and that feeling hasn’t changed since the day I first fell in love with you.

I miss you and I can’t wait to see you.

I love you so fucking much that I don’t even care if you decorate your whole damn apartment with that stick figure drawing, as long as I have you in my arms, I’m a happy man.

I’ll see you soon,


Chapter 18


I stand in the middle of my kitchen, smiling like a fool as I read his words to me. He’s coming home. I can’t fucking believe it. It’s been the longest seven months of my life, but it’s nearly over.

The second he walks through my door, the rest of our lives can finally begin and I can’t fucking wait. Rivers is my guy and I’ve gone far too long without him. Don’t get me wrong, receiving his letters over the past seven months have been incredible, but it’s nothing compared to the real thing. Not even close.

Unable to stop myself, I read the letter again and then twice more just to make sure I read every single word correctly. His excitement in his words shines through and has me bubbling with joy.

The only downfall is that this is the military we’re talking about, meaning I have absolutely no way of knowing when he sent this letter, because the guy is incapable of writing the date at the top of the page, and I have absolutely no idea of knowing when he’s actually going to get home.

Rivers could have received the news he was going home weeks ago and he could nearly be here or it could still be another few weeks wait. Judging by our other letters, I’d say he probably sent this out nearly a month ago, but there’s no real way to be sure. Sometimes I’d be waiting only a few weeks before his letter would come and other times, it’d be nearly two months, so I won’t be getting my hopes up, not just yet.

I start looking around my apartment. I have so many little surprises for him and if he barges his way in here, I don’t want any of them to be ruined, though, he knows about my new cushion covers. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I first saw that drawing of a little stick figure getting himself off, but I don’t know why I was so surprised. That’s so typically Rivers that I should have been expecting it. Especially after the photo’s I sent to him.

Tags: Sheridan Anne Haven Falls Romance