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It fucking sucked, but what can I say? I’ve spent every day of our relationship thinking about another man. I guess in this situation, I’m the dick. I have to keep reminding myself that Spencer deserves to be happy.

Noah flies off the couch and looks down at me in rage as Henley’s mouth drops. “WHAT?” he roars. “He’s fucking Lacey?”

I shrug my shoulders. “Maybe. Maybe not. I’m not too sure actually. All I know is that they’re hanging out a lot.”

“Already?” Henley gasps. “It’s too soon for him to be moving on. What the hell is he thinking?”

Noah scoffs. “Probably thinking about getting his dick wet. I can’t fucking believe him. How dare he do this to you? Does he have no fucking respect for the shit you two have gone through? Three fucking years and he’s already fucking someone else. I could kill him.”

The door flies open and Rivers strides in with a proud grin and opens his arms wide as though we should all be honoured to be within his presence. “Who the fuck are we killing?”

Noah spins around and his fury instantly leaves him. “Hey. How the fuck are you?” he beams, throwing himself over the back of the couch to get to the front door. He meets Rivers in the middle and the two of them throw their arms around each other like long lost friends. Though, I guess that’s exactly what they are. “Where have you been? I was expecting you to storm through the door hours ago.”

Rivers peers up over Noah’s shoulder and his eyes bore right into mine, sending a pink flush over my cheeks. After all, the last time I saw him, his thick fingers were buried deep inside me. I try to control myself, but Henley’s eyes are already on me with a knowing smirk on her face. “I wanted to give you guys some time to unpack,” Rivers explains, never once taking his eye off me.

The boys separate as Henley gets up and welcomes her brother. “Unpack?” she scoffs, giving him a quick hug. “I probably won’t get around to unpacking for a few weeks, hell maybe even a few months.”

Rivers gives her a funny stare. “A few months?” he questions. “Why? Have you got shit going on?”

“Nope. Just can’t be fucked to do it.”

Every eye in the room rolls. “I’m not surprised.”

Henley gives him a bright smile before sucking in a sharp gasp as her eyes bug out of her head. “You’ve never been here before. Come in. Let me show you around.” She grabs hold of him and pulls him through the living room in her desperation to show off her home to her big brother.

As Rivers passes across the back of the couch, he looks down at me and runs his fingers over the back of my shoulders. A satisfying shiver takes over me and my eyes close for the briefest moment. “How are you, Tullz?” he murmurs in that deep voice that seems to send me insane, but what makes it worse is knowing without a doubt that there’s one hell of a sexy smirk playing on his lips.

A wide smile crosses my face and I try my best to rein it in. “No complaints.”

A sparkle hits his eye and something tells me he’s thinking about the very same thing that’s been occupying my mind for the last few days. “Uh-huh,” he murmurs just a second before Henley grabs hold of his wrist and pulls him into her kitchen.

I turn back to Noah and realize that he’s been staring. “Bullshit all you want,” he tells me with a knowing grin. “Something went down between you two.”

I shake my head, but I’m unable to control my smile. “Don’t know what you’re talking about.”


It’s clear as day that Noah knows something has been going on and despite the fact that I actually have no idea what that is, I’d expect my brother to be losing his mind, except he’s grinning at me as though he couldn’t be happier. In fact, despite being friends with Spencer, he never once greeted him at the door the way he just did with Rivers. Though, that could very well have something to do with the fact that they’re long lost best friend finally reunited after four years apart, except when they saw each other at the wedding three weeks ago, but it’s not like they could fuck around and be boys at the wedding. Here, in the privacy of Noah’s home, they get to be their complete idiotic selves.

“You know that I’m cool with you guys being together, right?” Noah murmurs, for our ears only.

“First of all, that’s bullshit. You’ve never been cool with the idea of me and Rivers together. And second…just no. Too much has happened. Spencer and I only just broke up and…I don’t know. I can’t let him break me like that again.”

Tags: Sheridan Anne Haven Falls Romance