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I wince. “I’m sorry. I hope I didn’t ruin it for you guys.”

“Are you fucking kidding me?” Henley howls with laughter. “Watching you write yourself off was the highlight of my night.”

“Gee, thanks,” Noah grumbles, turning on his wife with an unimpressed glare. “Are you forgetting the part where we got married and when I fucked you behind that big oak tree while everyone was having photos taken?”

“Oh, yeah,” she chuckles as a flush creeps into her cheeks. “That was pretty good.”

I try my best not to throw up. These two have always been so in your face about their sex life, never sparing any gruesome details despite how much I beg. Henley simply can’t help but share while Noah does it just to gross me out because apparently, that shit is funny. If the shoe was on the other foot though, he’d probably go searching for the guy and knock him the fuck out for touching his sister. I swear, the guy thinks he was put on this earth just to be my over-protective security detail He should know that I can take care of myself.

Got to love double standards!

“So, what else has been going on?” Henley asks, taking a long sip of her cocktail in an attempt to cover her smirk.

I look away, focusing on my drink. “Nothing. Just been working.”

“Right,” she grins. “You mean to tell me that Rivers has been home for three weeks and all you’ve been doing is working?”

A shiver runs through my body at the mention of his name. Images of him touching me and setting my body on fire flare through me and if I’m not careful, Henley and Noah will know exactly what’s been going on with just one look at my face. I school my features and reach for my drink. “Yep.”

“No,” Noah throws out in that ‘I’m the fucking king, I know better’ tone of his. He narrows his eyes on me as he watches me carefully. “It’s more than that.”

I roll my eyes. “I don’t know what you guys were expecting. Yes, Rivers is home, but he’s been giving me space just like he should.”

“Uh-huh. So, when he called the day we left and promised that he was going to win you back, he didn’t show up and force his way through your door? Come on, Tullz. We know Rivers better than that. He would have been wherever you were every fucking chance he got.”

I shake my head as I glare at my rotten twin brother. “I freaking knew it was you who gave him my address.”

Noah just grins like a job well done. “So, he has been coming around?”

“Yes…and no.”

“Eh?” Henley grunts.

“It’s complicated. I mean, there’s Spencer to think about.”

Henley’s eyes bug out of her head before she throws herself at me. “That’s right. I totally forgot that you broke up with him. I hope you let him down easy.”

“Wait. You knew we broke up?” A sheepish look crosses her features and I clench my jaw, realizing exactly how they would have known. “That freaking bastard. He has such a big fucking mouth.”

“To be fair,” Noah grumbles. “We didn’t know for sure. It was just an inkling.”

I shake my head. “I didn’t want you guys to find out on your honeymoon and then spend your time worrying about me.”

Noah shrugs and gives me a devilish grin. “Nah. I wasn’t worried. In fact, I don’t think the thought even entered my mind.”

Henley throws a cushion at him and it smacks him right in the face. “Shut up, you dork. You spent every single night panicking about her. I had to take your phone off you so you wouldn’t flood her with calls and texts.”

Noah’s glare turns on me. “I couldn’t have flooded her phone even if I want to because someone blocked my number.”

I shrug my shoulders unapologetically. “What can I say? You were calling me four times a day to check-in. Do you even talk to Henley that much?”

Noah rolls his eyes. “It wasn’t four times a day.”

“Yeah,” Henley grumbles with an eye roll of her own. “It was.” She looks at me. “So, what’s happening with Spencer? You guys are actually done? Like three years, four proposals, and an unfulfilled promise to move in all finished?”

I press my lips into a tight line. “Yep.”


“So…nothing. There’s nothing to say. It’s over and now he’s hanging out with your cousin,” I explain, hoping the sting in my heart isn’t showing on my face. It still hurts to think about and sucked even more when I got around to unpacking the box on my dining room table.

I had the great idea of packing up his things to help me find a little closure and ended up dropping it off at his place to find her car sitting in the driveway, right where mine would usually be.

Tags: Sheridan Anne Haven Falls Romance