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She was now free of the throes of her body, the dangerous Ardor finally complete. I was fully awakened. I’d lost track of how many times we’d fucked over the last few days, but while my cock still rose for her—as it did now just thinking of being inside her again—it wasn’t an intense, all-consuming need. And still, there would be no going back. For either of us.

Her Ardor had triggered something in me, something just as wild and edgy. She needed and I provided. That was what my body demanded. No other male would touch her. Kiss her. Fuck her. Give her his essence or his seed.

Truth be told, I was exhausted, my body completely drained in every way, sexually, mentally, physically. But I had never been so content. She was finally mine. She had spoken the words. Claimed me. Spoken of love. I’d seen the raw emotion in her eyes, tasted her tears. She was mine, and even as I lay in bed, every muscle languid and weak, I felt as if my insides were about to jump out of my skin.

Joy. This was joy. I’d never experienced this before, and I was heady with it. Smiling. I couldn’t stop smiling.

All because of one spectacular, unique, incredible female.

I kissed the top of her head and made sure she was covered with the blanket. She didn’t even stir, her hair fanned out across the pillow and one bare shoulder peeked out from the covers.

Tugging on my clothes, I watched her sleep, reveled in the fact that she was finally at peace, that her body no longer ruled her. I refused to awaken her for another session of arguing and analysis. There were enough people working on finding her mother and ending this mess that she could continue her rest. She’d earned it.

Opening the door to our suite, I looked up and saw the captain, Leo and Thor ten feet down the corridor, talking quietly. They looked my way when I stepped out and I shut the door carefully behind me.

Leo’s face was filled with an odd expression. Resignation? Regret? “I apologize, Nix. I know you didn’t want to be disturbed, but this couldn’t wait.”

I joined them. “What has happened?”

It had only been a few hours since Destiny had stormed from the meeting room with a brash snap of her fingers. Oh yeah, that had been a challenge I could not ignore. She might own me, body and soul, but I was not a male to be dominated.

“Cleric Amandine has sent another note.” Captain Turaya held an envelope identical to the one Destiny had opened earlier when we’d all been together. “The meeting has been moved up. It happens tonight, not tomorrow.”

“The triad is already in Mytikas?” I asked, tempering my voice low to ensure Destiny rested. She needed to recharge. Becoming upset or agitated because of this latest information wasn’t what she needed. I needed her restored, energized and ready for what was to come.

“Yes,” he replied. “I have men watching them now, following their movements, although it has been a surprisingly simple task. They went directly to the cleric building downtown and have yet to exit.”

I looked to Leo. “Do the princesses know?”

Both Leo and Thor shook their heads. Leo spoke. “My father collected this from the messenger, and I read it first. We wanted to discuss this with you, before we informed our mates.”

I had no idea what they’d been up to since we’d left the meeting, but since we were standing in a back hallway and not conversing across a meeting table, they seemed to have some ideas on the next steps. “You don’t intend to tell them, do you?”

Leo and Thor shook their heads. “No fucking way,” Leo said. “We can have this over and done. Every single one of our mates has a giant target on her back. I want Trinity safe and sound, surrounded by as many guards as I can spare.”

I looked to Thor who crossed his arms over his chest. “And you?”

His slight smile made it appear he was in pain. “Faith is soft-hearted. She has this magical ability to fight like nothing I’ve ever seen, but she hates to hurt anyone. And they’ve already tried to kill her. My parents are dead because of these traitors. I don’t want her an

ywhere near this bloodbath.”

I couldn’t help but grin. I’d seen Princess Faith in action. She fought better than some of our most experienced, most skilled warriors. But he was right. The idea of the kind female being within three miles, let alone three feet, of a murderer did not sit well with me. And I wasn’t her mate. Thor looked barely contained in his feelings about this. And if anything happened to Destiny’s twin, my mate would be beside herself.

It appeared these males were as serious about protecting their mates as I was. I nodded in approval. “Agreed. We take care of this ourselves. They will be angry, but I’d rather have my mate furious with me than in danger.”

“Trinity is the problem. If she finds out, she’ll order us to include them and we won’t be able to say no,” Leo said.

“Destiny is sleeping off the Ardor.”

“Is it done then?” Captain Turaya asked.

I nodded. “Yes.”

He slapped me on the shoulder. “Well done, son. I’m surprised you’re still standing.”

I chuckled, remembering just how exhausted I’d felt before hearing this news. Now adrenaline and action pulsed through me. These males and I would end this. Leo was from the Shadow unit, a skilled hunter and warrior. Captain Turaya was solid. Deadly. And Thor? I had not thought much of him before his mating to Faith, but he was deceptively dangerous, and had obviously received training at the hands of his mother, who had spent years in law enforcement within the Optimus Unit.

We were a force to be reckoned with, and with our mates in danger?

Tags: Grace Goodwin Romance