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“I love you, mate.” His words caused a flutter of aftershocks, and my Ardor made one final plea for him. Of course, his body responded, filling me with heat. Energy. Power. He made me stronger. He saved me, not just my life, but in every way.

“I love you, Nix. Never leave me. Promise me.” I shouldn’t have begged, but I did, the insecure part of me refusing to die without a fight. I was too impulsive, too aggressive, not feminine enough. I’d heard it all before. And even though my heart ached with the need to trust him, there was still a part of me that couldn’t quite believe this was real.

“Never, Destiny. You’re mine. My mate. I will always be at your side.” He kissed the wet remnants of my tears from my temple. “I give you my oath, on my honor. I will never leave you.”

God, it felt good to hear that. Lying on top of me, I held him as my Ardor fed and then was quenched, the storm easing until there was nothing left. All at once, it stilled. My body was quiet, sated. Complete. Calm. The Ardor was over.

And I didn’t want Nix any less.

Nix must have sensed the change, for he pulled his cock free and rolled us both, tugging me into his arms. His heartbeat was a steady drum beneath my cheek and I was happier and more content than I’d ever been in my life. “I love you.”

He kissed the top of my head and pulled the blanket up to cover us. “Slee

p, mate. You can fight tomorrow.”

I pulled his arms tight around me and nuzzled in as close as I could get. He was mine. Really and truly mine.

The Ardor was over, and I had never been so exhausted in my life. It was as if all the energy had been sapped from me. The Ardor had used it all up and I had to recharge. When my eyelids grew heavy, I trusted my mate to keep me safe and finally… finally let go.



I heard heavy footfalls outside the door, the murmur of deep voices. My comms unit beeped quietly from my clothes across the room. When I ignored it, a quiet knock sounded on the door. I knew it was Captain Turaya. Perhaps Trinity or Leo had sent him. Had there been a change in plans? New intelligence that would require my mate’s input or mine?

We were locked in a life and death struggle for control of this planet. My home. And though Destiny’s blood was half human, she belonged here. With me. With the people of Alera. She and her sisters gave the planet stability and hope for a better future. The past three decades of war and political upheaval would come to an end. Either the queen would be found, or she would not. But Trinity was here. Faith. Destiny.

My mate was important to the people. But to no one more so than to me. She was my world now, and I would die or kill to protect her. Without thought or regret.


Looking down, I stared at the top of her head. She was sprawled on top of me, her cheek pressing into my chest, one of her legs thrown over mine. A mate blanket.

A sleeping mate. This was a rest of someone finally rid of their Ardor, her body exhausted and recovering, using the energy I had provided to grow strong again. The knowledge that it was my touch that healed her, my seed and my life force making her strong, filled me with a satisfaction so intense I nearly choked on it. I stroked her silky hair, and she murmured something unintelligible, nuzzling me with her lips, kissing my chest—even in her sleep. I marveled at the color of the strands as they slipped through my fingers. A deep purple, as bold as she was.

Another knock, a bit louder this time. Damn it all.

I glanced down at my mate. She hadn’t moved at the sound. She was out and it didn’t appear that she would wake any time soon. I didn’t want to leave the bed, for it was quiet, she was also quiet, and I marveled at the feel of her in my arms.

“One minute,” I answered so that whoever was on the other side of our door would hear me. Destiny rolled over in protest when I pulled away, one eye peeking up at me.

“Where are you going?”

“Go back to sleep. Someone’s at the door.”

“Tell them to go away and get back in bed.”

I grinned. That was my demanding little mate. “Yes, Princess.”

She snuggled back under the covers and closed her eyes, asleep in seconds. I stared, amazed that this female was really mine. It seemed impossible. A miracle. A blessing from the goddess I would do anything to protect.

I knew my mate wasn’t safe. Even now, someone plotted to murder her and her sisters. The loss of any member of her family would cause Destiny great pain and could not be allowed.

This secret meeting we’d spoken of was no accident. The hidden mastermind behind nearly thirty years of Aleran suffering was growing desperate, willing to risk everything in one final play. I sensed we were close to the end, that the Queen would soon be found, the traitor revealed. Until that happened, we would not truly be free to live out the rest of our lives together.

Even as I worried about my mate, I could not bring myself to regret the circumstances that had brought us here. Had Queen Celene never been attacked so long ago, she would not have fled to Earth, met a new male, given birth to my mate. Had she not been kidnapped, my mate may have lived her entire life on another planet. My miracle lost, forever beyond my reach.

I hated to hold gratitude to the traitors behind this mess, but in an odd twist of fate, had they not attacked Celene and killed the king that night, my life would have been empty. Destiny not part of me.

Tags: Grace Goodwin Romance