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“I’m not leaving without you, Princess. I can’t.”

“Why? Just climb out the window and go back. Tell my sisters I’m fine. Because I am. Just… go.” She looked away when she spoke, her gaze falling to my lips. I could see that much. Was it possible she wanted me as badly as I needed her?


“Why not? I am a princess, and I am ordering you to leave.”

“I will never leave you, Destiny. Not now. Not ever. I am your mate.”

“Bullshit. I don’t believe this.” I heard a little huff of a laugh in response and that pissed me off. Everything about this female made me angry. And riled. How dare she put herself in danger hunting some cleric who might have her mother? How dare she climb in a fucking window in the middle of the night? How dare she do one fucking thing that put her life at risk?

My mate needed guidance, a stern hand that didn’t hesitate to turn her ass red for impetuousness. For rash decisions. Oh, I’d spank Princess Destiny if she needed it. But that would be after I fucked her into submission. No, I’d get her on her hands and knees and spank her upturned ass, then grip her hips as I fucked her pussy so deep she wouldn’t know where she ended and I began. I’d come seeing my handprints marking her pale skin. And then my seed would mark her, coat her so thoroughly she’d know she was mine.

“I. Am. Your. Mate,” I bit out through clenched teeth. “I’m getting you out of here.”

She crossed her arms over her chest, and I saw her eyes flare. They were dark, that was all I could tell. She had high cheekbones, a pert nose and full lips.

More pre-cum seeped out at the thought of those lips stretched wide around my cock. O

h, I might be a virgin and her pussy would be the one I’d sink into for the first time, but that didn’t mean I didn’t know what to do with her, what I wanted to do to her.


That one-word reply made me fucking hot, and angry.

“No?” I countered.

She shook her head, her long, dark hair swinging. There was that scent again. I fisted my hands, tried not to grab her.

“I’m here to find my mother.”

“I know, but someone could come in at any time.”

She shook her head again, the temptress. “They won’t. This is the administration building and the elder’s office is locked because she attends evening meditation and chanting at six. They keep her office locked until dawn. I’ve been keeping track of her schedule for two weeks.”

That was true. I’d learned that from an informant. I’d spotted Destiny outside, at the start of her climb. But I’d been too late to stop her ascent up the side of the building and through the window. I’d watched from below, ready to catch her if she fell, my heart in my throat every moment. And that had been before I knew what she was to me.


Indeed, it was the best of luck. Instead of this confrontation happening below, on the lawn, we were safer here. If the lights remained off, our presence would be undetected as long as we were gone before dawn.

“You believe this room holds the answers you seek?”

I saw her shoulder rise in a small shrug. “I’m not sure, but the gossip is that a high-level prisoner is being held. I want to know who arranged it, and where, exactly, they are holding her.”

“It could be anyone.”

The look she gave me made my blood turn to molten lava. Challenge. “It’s got to be her and you know it.”

Thank the goddess she hadn’t stormed into the dungeons and demanded to see the queen. Based on what I’d heard from her sisters, and the fight I’d seen in the apartment the day she had arrived on Alera, she was ballsy enough to do it. She’d been magnificent that day. Deadly. Efficient. A skilled fighter.

Good thing I hadn’t scented her that night, had only caught a quick glimpse of a male and female fighting, the female winning. Had no idea she would awaken my dormant cock, that my body would belong to her for all time. I didn’t want her doing anything with those strong legs right now but wrapping them around my back and holding on for the ride.

“You will stop your searching and return with me to the palace. I will investigate with others who are properly trained to do so.” Yes, she would be safe and protected while others saw to the dangerous work.

“I’ve been here almost two weeks, you asshat. I might not be properly trained”—she raised her hands and made weird curling motions with her fingers—“but I’ve been doing just fine. This place is huge and they aren’t the most talkative bunch. Besides, you think I’m going to trust someone else to find my mother? No fucking way, caveman. Trust me, I can take care of myself.”

“No. I will take care of you.” I put my hand to my chest, over my heart, which now belonged to her.

Tags: Grace Goodwin Romance