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Pivoting on my serviceable maid shoes, I straightened my arm and angled up, my heel palm catching one officer in the nose. The sound of crunching bone was loud in the room. The other officer tugged me back and I used that momentum to elbow him in the solar plexus, causing him to bend over. I grabbed the back of his head, pulled him down as I raised my knee and got him in the face.

Neither guy was subdued entirely, but definitely stunned as I kept at them, trying to get them unconscious and on the floor. They had at least fifty pounds on me and several inches. They weren’t going down easily. It was Scarface who stopped me and only with the stun of an ion pistol. I went rigid and began to tip over, but I was grabbed and held upright. I was just thankful I didn’t pee myself as I felt handcuffs going back around my wrists behind my back.

It was a low stun setting, for I was paralyzed for all of twenty seconds or so. Long enough to totally freak me out and to get me in bigger trouble than ever.

Why had I attacked the two officers like hell-raising Destiny? I hadn’t even thought, just reacted. I didn’t like them touching me, manhandling me. I had no interest in going to wherever the hell Optimus cell level C was. But now I was absolutely headed that way. Alone. Cuffed. No one was going to help me, especially since they now probably considered me a tad dangerous. No one was going to save me. I’d have to figure something out myself.

Trinity and Leo didn’t know I was here. Destiny was a flipping nun somewhere. The only way I was getting out of this was to talk and that wasn’t happening.

I’d rot in jail for a while if I had to. Destiny needed time to finish her mission. Trinity needed time to solidify her claim on the throne. They needed more time to hunt for our mother.

And I still wasn’t done with my task. There was a traitor in the Jax house, a traitor who would lead me to our mother. And I really hoped it wasn’t Thor, that the traitor himself hadn’t just kissed all good sense right out of me and then watched me be dragged away by my mother’s enemies.

* * *


The minute Faith had been led from the house, settled into the backseat of the police vehicle and driven away, I’d gone insane.

I didn’t go berserker in my parents’ home, but I wasn’t rational either. Someone had my mate. In handcuffs. And she was being taken away from me.

There was a very primal part of me that didn’t care who she was, what she’d done or why. I wanted to protect her, keep her safe from anything the police planned to do to her.

The thought of her in the big building downtown had me panicking. There were real criminals there. Thugs. Those who might want to hurt her. She was slight. Small. I remembered every soft inch of her. Someone could take advantage, touch her.

Hurt her.

Instead of going back into the house and talking with my parents, I left without a word. Went home. The peace and quiet of my apartment only made me crazier. I paced, as best I could with a fucking rock-hard cock. In the middle of my living room, with views of the city in two directions a dozen floors below, I opened up my pants and pulled out my cock. Looked at it. Stroked it. Watched pre-cum slide down the crown and over my fingers.

I’d never seen it this hard before, never knew it could get this big. Never knew the pleasure I’d feel as I stroked up and down the length. I hissed out a breath and thought of Faith.

I groaned, pulled my hand away.

No! I shouldn’t think of the female who was so obviously an enemy of my family. After Zel had attacked Princess Trinity—and him being from the family’s squad—I’d had to be vigilant. There was still a traitor in my family home, and I didn’t believe the female I’d kissed was capable of such evil. I just couldn’t imagine Faith giving Zel orders to kill the princess.

It wasn’t impossible, but highly improbable.

That wasn’t my head talking, but my heart. My body. I didn’t want to believe the female destined to be mine was part of such a diabolical plot.

But then there was my cock, angled thick and long up to my navel. Bobbing as if it were seeking out a mate. Looking for Faith.

She was my mate. There was no question. It was as if my cock were an arrow, pointing right at her. The only more obvious sign of our connection would be if the goddess had a tree fall from the sky and knock me out.

Faith was mine. And she was in police custody. Mother had called for Lord Wyse the moment the guards disappeared with Faith. Lord Wyse meant the Optimus unit. And that meant—

“Fuck,” I growled, shoving my angry cock back in my pants and heading for the door.

If Lord Wyse—who was the Inspector Optimi of that ruthless organization—got his hands on Faith, he would not be gentle. He’d treat her like one of the most dangerous criminals, especially with all the media attention on the Jax family. Having a suspect would make the Optimus unit look like it was doing its job—which it was possible it was—and settle unrest throughout Alera. A suspect had been caught in the attempted murder of the princess.

Big news.

Perhaps she was, but I was getting her out of there. If she needed to be punished, I’d do it. I’d spank her ass until she talked, until she gave me everything. Her pleasure, her secrets and her body.

Twenty minutes later, I stormed into the station and asked for Lord Wyse personally. The officer, I could tell, recognized me. Probably from the fucking media. I was the heir apparent to the Jax name. The family who’d masterminded the attacks on Princess Trinity. We weren’t well-liked, vilified in fact. And the way this officer looked at me with such scorn and distaste, he believed the reports.

Instead of offering me help, he turned away. Ignored me. Snubbed me and the Jax family.

Before I could lose my shit, the Optimus leader came down the long hallway. Faith was with him, her hands cuffed behind her back again. She looked unhurt. Not happy, but whole.

Tags: Grace Goodwin Romance