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Ander held up a small transport disk, just like the one I’d used to rescue Leo. “We will transport her directly into the queen’s palace for her safety. With one trusted guard, of course.”

I glanced at Leo. My guard. Once we arrived back on Alera, we somehow had to convince the entire planet that he was just my guard. Nothing more. Not someone I would kill to protect.

Should have taken that stupid acting class in college.

I didn’t like thinking of Alera in turmoil, that the spires alighting would lead to chaos instead of peace. It only made me more determined to find my mother, to put the government back to rights with her at the helm.

“This is why I need to speak to Faith and Destiny,” I said. “They will know things we don’t.”

Commander Karter went around his desk, sat down. “Yes, Prime Nial has kept me updated. I agree, the more information you have, the higher chance for success of your mission.”

“We are here seeking your permission, Commander.” Prime Nial stood directly before the desk. “To make the transmission from your ship.”

Commander Karter folded his hands on his desk, met the Prime’s eyes. “Your courtesy is well-appreciated, Prime. Permission granted, of course.”

Nial bowed as the commander pressed a few buttons and spoke to someone about coordinates, NPUs and other words that I didn’t understand. Not because my NPU didn’t work, but because the technology was way over my head.

Jessica grinned, clearly satisfied with all of this. It seemed she liked to be in the thick of things. I just silently exhaled. I was learning much from Prime Nial. He held more power, more sway than the commander. Yet, he deferred to the battlegroup leader with deference and courtesy. There was a chain of command to things. But common courtesy went a long way.


A woman’s voice rang clear and loud in the commander’s office.

“Faith?” I said back. It was like she was on speaker phone, but I hadn’t even known the call had started.

“I’m here, too. How the hell are you calling me inside my head?” That was Destiny, straight to the point. But Faith wasn’t finished, either.

“Where are you, Trin? You were supposed to be queen supreme by now. Instead, it’s like a freaking war zone down here. There are people everywhere. Fist fights. Even the animals are freaked.” Of course, Faith would talk about the animals. She’d always had a soft spot for any injured thing. “No one on Alera has said you’ve been seen. But your face is everywhere.”

Leo looked grim.

“I am glad you contacted me and we removed you from the planet, Princess,” Prime Nial murmured. He might be Prime of a planet and in charge of a whole slew of battleships, but I was the never-to-be-heard-of heir to the throne of a planet whose queen had disappeared decades earlier. I was a sensation.

As for what Nial said, I was glad he’d helped me, too. We now had a plan in place, and I had backup.

“I’m on a battleship out in space on Battleship Karter with Leo, Prime Nial, Jessica and her second, Ander,” I told Faith and Destiny. “It’s like Buck Rogers and Star Trek. Combined.”

Commander Karter nodded, clearly satisfied with the connection. “I’ll leave you now. I have a meeting I must attend. Please, take your time.”

The door slid closed behind him. The fact that he left us in his office was a blatant sign of respect.

“Where are you two? Are you safe?” I asked.

Faith’s voice was filled with disgust. “Regular slave labor over here. But I’m in. They hired me right away. What about you, Destiny? Any trouble getting in?”

“No. Everything is going according to plan. I’m a regular old nun.”

“A nun?” Faith said, then laughed. “As if. Did you tell them about Paul Carbano or Sam Wallowitz? Like they’d take you after what you did with those two hotties.”

I couldn’t help but roll my eyes, remembering Destiny’s exploits in high school. Leo, Jessica, Nial and Ander all stared at me, silently listening.

“What is a nun?” Leo asked.

“Well, not a nun, specifically, since these guys are allowed to have sex, but I’m officially an initiate of the clerical order,” Destiny said.

Next to me, Leo tensed, his jaw tight. “You play a dangerous game, Princess.”

“That is you, right, Leo?” Faith asked.

Tags: Grace Goodwin Romance