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And that was Leo, practically growling like a riled grizzly bear at two of the most powerful and respected warriors in the galaxy. For me.

Jeez. Why was that so freaking hot? And why had he realized that my Ardor was over before I did? For a fleeting moment, I panicked that Leo wouldn’t want me anymore. That I really had been just a job, my problem something his honor had demanded he take care of.

But then I remembered the Aleran men were different. Leo’s body woke up for me. That thick, magnificent cock had never been inside another woman. He was mine. As long I as I lived, he was mine.

Commander Karter bowed slightly at the waist, distracting me from my momentary lapse of all reason. “Of course. Your Highness, you can record your message here, in my office, and we will broadcast it all over Alera, as you requested. But first, I understand you wish to speak directly with your sisters?”

“That’s correct. From what Leo has told me, direct communication can be made via the NPUs we all got from Warden Egara on Earth.”

I glanced at Leo, who nodded and said, “Prime Nial contacted me on Alera to meet and guard you and your sisters.”

“A wise move. From what I’ve been told of the incident following their arrival, your help was quickly needed,” Commander Karter said.

I blushed, remembering all the assistance Leo had given me over the past few hours.

“He’s been very… helpful,” I offered, hopefully not blushing too hard.

The older Prillon eyed me and Leo, as if assessing the truth since we didn’t wear collars like his kind. I didn’t see one about his neck, so I assumed he was unmated. While Jessica and her mates were well-suited, I had to wonder what it would be like for the commander to have a mate, and a second, on a battleship. We’d only been here a short time and I’d heard the battle alerts, the constant hum of warriors coming and going, racing to medical. Training and stomping around. Living here, on a battleship, as I’d heard many Prillon mates did, would be an unusual lifestyle. “Congratulations on your mating. A very serendipitous event.”

That was true. I’d been on Earth and Leo on Alera. If Mother hadn’t been kidnapped, if Prime Nial hadn’t called him, Leo and I never would have met.

“I am the fortunate one,” Leo admitted, placing a possessive hand on my shoulder.

“Say the word and I’ll ask Warden Egara to fix you up.” Jessica looked thrilled at the prospect, but the commander shook his head.

“Thank you, Lady Deston, but I am perfectly content.”

“Liar.” Her one-word response was spoken softly, with a gentle smile meant to tease, but it landed in the room and shocked the men like an armed grenade right before the explosion.

“Jessica.” The warning came from Prime Nial, and not as one mate to anothe

r, but as the Prime telling her to back off. I’d never seen this side of him before and it was fascinating.

Leo, apparently, had had enough. “The princess wishes to speak with her sisters, but we do not know their whereabouts on Alera.”

“Even I heard the news of the three spires alighting. The news spread through the entire Interstellar Coalition within a few hours,” the commander said. “You will be recognized everywhere you go, Princess. Every planet. Every battleship. Your face has been spread far and wide. You are famous, the long-lost princess. But until Prime Nial told me the other two spires were set alight by your sisters, I had no idea who they were. Every agency is reviewing the video feed, looking for a glimpse of them.”

“As we wanted,” I told him. “They can freely move about the planet continuing their search for our mother. They will search for her while I will take on the role of royal heir until she is found.”

Ander cleared his throat. “It will not take them long—whoever wishes them dead—to make their way to Earth for answers.”

Prime Nial shook his head. “I have placed a ban on all transport on or off Earth unless it is initiated by the Interstellar Brides Program until this matter is settled.”

“Holy shit.” Jessica blinked in shock, her eyes going wide. “Can you do that?”

“I can, and I did. No one will be able to get on or off the planet without my permission unless they are a bride.”

Wow. He had locked down an entire planet for me and my sisters?

Nial continued, “The stability of the Coalition is of great concern. The planets cannot send warriors to fight the Hive if they are entrenched in civil conflicts.”

It made sense, but his words also made the weight on my shoulders that much heavier. Leo had said the planet was on the brink of war. Alera could tear itself apart if my sisters and I didn’t find our mother. Or worse, didn’t survive.

Ander spoke, “Their arrival has caused unrest. Reports from the planet indicate a large number of people flocking to the capital city to view the spires. To witness their illumination for themselves. The royal guard has recalled warriors from the outlying areas to return to the city at once.”

Jessica looked at me, and I saw worry in her eyes. “It’s a madhouse down there. I hope you know what you’re doing.”

“Me, too.” I searched for Leo’s hand. Found it. Held tight.

Tags: Grace Goodwin Romance