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And then… It’s Jesse’s turn.

He stands at the end of the table and to be honest, I’m surprised he isn’t standing on top of the thing. Though, I bet if we weren’t in a restaurant he would be. Tora squeezes my hand, knowing just as well as I do that this could go many different ways, each with her being embarrassed by my little brother while he also manages to make her feel like the most special creature on this green earth. “Tora, Tora, Tora,” he starts, grabbing his glass and raising it. “What can I say? It’s about time you fucking graduated.”

“Jesse,” mom shrieks, horrified by his choice of words. “Watch your language.”

Jess looks at mom and scoffs, but the playful grin on his face is nearly enough to draw a smile out of all of us… nearly. “You know, I don’t know why you bother reprimanding me. It didn’t work at seventeen and it sure as hell isn’t going to work now.”

“Old habits,” mom mumbles to herself, shaking her head while trying not let on just how embarrassed she is. I mean, raising us, she’s had to deal with all sorts of shit, but cursing in front of company… that’s the one thing she’s never been able to come to terms with.

Jesse turns back to Tora, shooting his glass up high once again. “Where was I?” he smirks, knowing damn well exactly where he was. “Ah, that’s right. I was just about to tell everyone that even though you would message me nearly every day, complaining about how hard it was, how much your lectures sucked, how you were ready to throw in the towel, and how much you wished you’d dated me instead of Nate, you somehow managed to come out the other end with a diploma. And it’s about fucking time. I don’t think I could handle your complaining any longer.”

Tora rolls her eyes and scoffs. We all know that I was the only one she ever complained to about her workload, and we all know that it was a very rare occurrence. Tora made a point of not complaining about it, knowing that I’d use it against her to try and get that fine ass of hers back to Broken Hill.

Tora looks to Kaylah, interrupting whatever Jesse was about to start rambling about. “Are you sure you picked the right guy? It’s not too late to back out.”

“Hey,” Jesse demands, getting distracted. “She has my ring on her finger and my baby in her guts. Believe me, it’s way too late for her to back out. But you on the other hand… you should be running for the hills. Have you ever met the troll sitting beside you? Run. Run fast.”

Tora laughs as I grab a French fry off my plate and launch it across the table, grinning as it lands in his glass, splashing wine up all over his face. “Get on with your speech,” I tell him.

Jesse drags his hand down his face, wiping up the splashed wine before fixing me with a stare that suggests he’s going to kick my ass later, but he should know better by now. He can’t kick my ass. He tries, over and over again, and yet, he will never succeed. I guess that’s just the bonus that comes with being the eldest. Besides, he spends his days cooped up in an office, ordering people around while I spend my days lifting engines and being physical. He’s got no chance.

I raise my chin and let the grin settle onto my face, rising to the challenge, and just like that, he knows he’s fucked, but it’s not going to stop him from trying. That’s what makes him so damn loveable. He stands up for what he believes in no matter what the cost and never gives up while also fiercely loving and protecting the people he cares for. It’s ingrained deep within him and it’s what makes me certain he’s going to make a great father.

Knowing now’s not the time for us to throw down across the table, Jesse turns back to Tora. “As I was saying,” he announces proudly. “Even though you’ve decided to make yourself suffer by attaching yourself to my brother, I know that you’re going to make up for that by being the best goddamn lawyer this country has ever seen.”

Jesse raises his glass along with everyone else at the table. “But…” he adds. “When Kaylah comes to her senses and tries to divorce me, you better stay the hell away from her.”

“Deal,” Tora laughs as Kaylah rolls her eyes and cradles her swollen stomach.

“Can we get on with it?” she says, tugging Jesse’s jacket and pulling him back into his seat. “I’m starving.”

“Geez,” Jackson laughs from across the table. “You’re always hungry. I wouldn’t be surprised if this baby comes out the size of a house.”

Tags: Sheridan Anne Broken Hill High Romance