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“Come on, A.J., I’ll help you pick out some jammies,” Zane shuffles her forward and into the house. “Night, Miss Carter.”

Ford slides the door shut behind them, leaving us both standing on the back porch. I suck in a breath. “Alright, Crawford James, pleasure doin’ dinner with ya,” I spin around on my heel and head down the stairs. I have one foot on the grass when Ford captures my elbow and spins me around, startling me. He dips down so we are eye to eye, his reflecting nothing but heat and desire.

“I’m gonna kiss you, Lexi Carter, and if that’s something you don’t want, I need to you to say so right fucking now,” he rasps out, his eyes darting back and forth between both of mine and finally dropping to my lips, which are parted and my breathing has become heavy. I can feel desire pooling between my legs, desire that I haven’t felt in years.

“I’ve never wanted something so badly,” I manage to finally breathe out.

“Thank fuck,” he growls as he slides his hand up my arm, over my shoulder, and under my hair, grabbing the back of my neck and closing the distance between us. The minute his lips press against mine it’s like a last piece of a puzzle finally clicking into place. I step up onto the step with him, the wood creaking under our weight. Letting my hands rest against his chest, I press deeper into the kiss. Ford groans, parting the seam of my lips with his tongue. He tastes like beer and garlic and something totally of his own, like a mix between honey and whiskey and a hot summer day. I tilt my head for a better angle.

Our tongues are dancing together and Ford's hand is no longer in my hair. No, it’s traveling down my back, inching closer and closer to my ass. I’m sure he can smell my arousal. And finally, fucking finally, he grips my ass cheeks with both of his hands and presses me against his straining erection. I can feel it against my belly and my breasts are pressed against his rock-hard chest, my pebbled nipples straining through the fabric of my bra and grazing his shirt, the sensation causing me to whimper.

Begrudgingly, Ford tears his lips away from mine and rests his forehead against mine, panting heavily. “Shit, I’m so sorry, I got carried away,” he whispers.

I shake my head back and forth, our foreheads still pressed together. “Please don’t apologize. I can’t say I haven’t been thinking about doing that to you since I fir

st saw you in the classroom.” He leans back and I reluctantly drop my hands from his chest, taking a step back to put a little space in between us. He’s smirking at me.

“Ah, so you’ve been thinking about taking advantage of me all this time?” He arches an eyebrow, cocky as ever. I roll my eyes. Aria chooses that moment, and thankfully not a few seconds earlier, to slide the backdoor open and demand that Ford read her a book. He steps backwards up the stairs, still facing me, and tips his head back towards his daughter. “Duty calls,” he grins, “but you and me, Lex? We aren’t even close to being finished.”

My cheeks are pink and I’m smiling wider than I have in a really long time. I shake my head, pivot on my feet, and make my way across his backyard to my house.

“I’m counting on it, Crawford!” I holler, just before I hit the patio door. I can hear him chuckling as I slide mine shut, flip the lock, and turn around and let my head drop back against the glass. My phone dings on the counter where I left it when I headed over to Ford’s. Only a few people from the last four years have my new number. I change phones every nine to ten months, always prepaid, still constantly looking over my shoulder. Something I feel like I will be doing for the rest of my life.

I push off the door and kick my flip flops off. Throwing open the fridge and snagging a bottle of wine, I take a swig from the bottle because hello, perks of living alone and never having to share your wine. Ever. I snag my phone, unlocking the screen and clicking the new message.

Unknown: Thought you could run, bitch? Think again. You’ll be home soon, Mrs. Crenshaw.

The bottle slips from my hand, crashing to the ground and shattering into a hundred pieces, the cold liquid sloshing up on my legs. I’ve spent years preparing for this moment. Taking all the classes, going to all the support groups. But nothing, absolutely nothing can prepare you for the moment your abusive husband decides he wants you back.



I closed the princess book that I only got about two pages into before she fell asleep and lay it on Aria’s bedside table. I pull her blankets all the way up to her chin and tuck it around her sides. Brushing her hair off her face, I press a kiss to her chubby little cheek and reach over and turn her butterfly lamp off. Her entire room is decorated in butterflies, something Zoe would have loved. I sneak out, closing the door part-way behind me and head down the hallway towards Zane’s room. His light is still on and I tap lightly on the door, pushing it open with my foot and propping myself up against the door jam. He’s in his bed on his iPad.

“Time for bed, bud.” He glances up at me and huffs out a sigh. He tosses the ipad onto his nightstand and flops back in his bed. Scooching down under his covers, he looks up at me. Sometimes it physically hurts how much he looks like his mom. Brown hair just like her, the same sharp cheekbones. Identical noses. I push off the wall and walk over to his bed, leaning over to flip off his lamp. “I love ya, kid. I’ll see you in the morning.” I ruffle his hair and walk back towards the door.

“Hey dad?” his little voice comes quietly from the other side of his room. I catch myself on the doorway and look back towards him.

“What’s up?” He rolls over and looks at me. I can’t quite make out the look on his face. Hope, maybe?

“I like Miss Lex. She’s really nice. And I had fun tonight.”

I knock twice on the door frame. “Me too, kiddo. Me too.”

Making my way to my room, I strip out of my shirt and head into my master bath, starting the shower. Stripping out of the rest of my clothes, I snag a wash rag and step in, sliding the glass door shut. I let the hot steam relax some of the tension in my neck and shoulders. Thoughts of Lex’s hot body pressed up against me start to take over my already distracted mind. The way she sighed into my mouth, how she tasted like strawberries and sunshine.

Putting one hand against the marble tile on the shower wall, I run my other hand down my stomach and let it travel down to my cock. I grip it in my hand, giving it a squeeze. Stroking myself as I think of her tits pressed against me, perky with her nipples pebbled, pressing against my chest. I imagine her wet heat enveloping my shaft. Fantasize about those tits bouncing in my face as she rides me, imagining my hands gripping her tight little ass. And for the first time in a long time, I come with such a force, my release dripping down the shower wall, to thoughts of a woman that isn’t my dead wife.


There was an extra pep in my step this morning as I got the kids ready for school Most mornings there are temper tantrums and some tears, but today was smooth sailing. Usually, the tears are mine.

Just kidding. Sort of.

Anyways, I drop Aria off at her classroom with a peck on her cheek and an ‘I love you, daddy’ after Zane ditches us at the front door of the school. Glancing at my watch, I realize I have about seven minutes to spare before I have to have my ass in my desk chair, or my students will start a riot. Taking the back stairs two at a time, I hit the third floor that houses the high schoolers and make my way down the hallway. Her door is shut but her light is on, so she must be in there. Not bothering to knock, I swing the door open and pop my head in.

What I wasn’t expecting to find was a much different woman than what I left last night. That woman was hot as fuck, with pink cheeks and a glint in her eye. This woman is different entirely. She’s got her head resting on her hand while she’s writing on a sheet of paper on her desk. But she looks sad. Really fucking sad. And maybe a little worried. What the fuck.

Tags: Kyra Lennon Romance