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“Ew. No. God no. I think you’re annoying. You let yourself into people’s houses and I don’t know how your big ego fits inside this tiny kitchen.” I snap back at him. I jump from my stool, grab my plate of lasagna, spin around and storm through the house. I toss back over my shoulder, “Thanks for dinner, CRAWFORD. See ya never!” I fling the door open and shut it quietly behind me, because hello, his kids are probably asleep. Asshole, I think to myself as I make my way back to my cottage to enjoy my dinner and open another bottle of wine.


First day jitters are a real thing and not just for students. Teachers get them, too. I’ve anticipated this day for so long. Jase never failed to remind me how worthless I was every single day of the six miserable years we were together. Knowing how far I’ve come is such a great feeling. I busted my ass these last four years, taking night classes and doing my student teaching, and it all comes to a head today. I’ve wanted to be a teacher for as long as I can remember, to ignite a love of learning in my students. Give them the opportunity to have someone they can confide in. Someone that students can come to when they’ve had a bad day at home or just need a safe space. Some of them don’t have that. Some come from abusive homes or broken families and I want them to know that they can always come to me, that my door’s always open.

I had a drama teacher in high school that was that safe space for me. Her name was Mrs. Hendrix and I always knew, regardless of what I needed, her door was always open. She would lend an ear and a shoulder to cry on no matter how bad of a day I was having.

The first bell rings and the noise from the hallway starts to carry into my classroom, room 203, as my first class trickles in for the day. Tenth grade History. High school is such a turning point in a young person's life. A time when they’re finding out who they are as an individual and I am so incredibly thrilled to be a part of that journey for them.

“Yo, teach!” a young man shouts from the back of the room and a smile graces my lips.

I clear my throat, “I believe you meant to say “Excuse me, Ms. Carter.” The few kids that are seated snicker a little.

“Yeah, Hunter!” “Show some respect, dude.” “Roasted!” Are all shouted from around the room. The young man, Hunter I’m assuming, shifts uncomfortably in his seat. “Uh, sorry Mz Carter, I didn’t mean no disrespect.”

“Totally fine, Hunter. Now, is there something you need to ask me?”

“Ah, nah I just wanted to say ‘sup.” He replies with a grin.

I laugh a little. “Alright, then. Good morning.”

The second bell rings just as one last student slips in and drops into their seat. I stand up from my chair and turn around to write my name on the board. “Alright class, as you can see, Mrs. Martinez is no longer your History teacher. My name is Ms. Carter and I’ll be teaching y’all this year,” I turn back around after capping and dropping the dry erase marker in the tray of the board. “Now, the majority of you are fifteen and sixteen years old. I’m just going to be real with you. I’m not here to babysit. I’m also not here to parent you. I’m here to teach you. I’m thrilled to share my love of History with each and every one of ya, and for all of you, passing Sophomore History is a requirement to graduate. I won’t be holding your hands this year. You want to graduate and participate in my class? Super. I am here for you every step of the way. You want to come to class and goof off, spend the entire time on your phone, and disrespect your classmates that want to learn? Well, then I guess we will be spending next year together, too. Any questions?” I finish my speech after making my way up and down each and every aisle way, removing phones from hands and placing them face down on desks.

I see some heads shaking no and some students slumping down in their chairs and I snicker a little. From what the principal told me, Shelly Martinez was a total pushover and these kids just coasted by last year. Now, by no means do I plan on being a hard ass, but I’m also expecting my students to put in the work.

I clap my hands together and crack a huge smile. “Great! Now that we are all on the same page, lets get started!” And just like that, I’m well on my way to my first official day as Lex Carter, History teacher at Jefferson High.


The rest of my classes go about the same throughout the day. Overall, I’ve got a good group of kids and I think this will be a good year. Now it’s 9th period, my planning period, and I’m seated behind my desk with my heels kicked off and I’m trying to crank out some lesson planning before I head home for the day. A knock on the door breaks me out of my trance. “Come in!” I yell, dropping my pencil on my desk and rolling my neck back and forth. The door opens and in walks the principal, Mrs. Mancini.

“Lex!” She greets me, “just popping by to check in on you and see how your first day went.” She finishes by dropping down at the desk in front of me.

“Super sweet of you,” I reply, leaning back in my chair, “it’s actually been great. Laid down some ground rules with all of the kids and they seemed pretty receptive. Time will tell but I think it’s going to be a good year.” She nods along while I’m talking, glancing around my room taking it all in.

“Good, good. So, I did want to check on your day. But I have somewhat of an ulterior motive for stopping by.”

“Uh, okay… what’s up?”

Kristin shifts around in her seat a little. “Okay, as I’m sure you know, our first football game is coming up on Friday. Our cheer coach has resigned from her position and we are looking for a new coach to start as soon as possible. I’ve reached out to all the other female staff members and they all have prior obligations and are unable to commit to coaching the girls. I was hoping you might be up for taking them on.” She finishes while plastering a huge smile on her face.

I tilt my head to the side, “Are…. are you asking me to coach a cheerleading squad?” I chuckle nervously, clearing my throat. “I, ah… uh… I mean, it’s been a long time since I’ve cheered. I’m not even sure I would know what to do with a group of girls.”

She jumps out of her seat “No worries! We have a great bunch this year! Sophie is the captain and has been since her sophomore year. She’ll be a great asset if you run into any trouble! She’s a fantastic leader and the other girls really respect her. You shouldn’t have any problems! Practices are Mondays and Wednesdays right after school until 5 and then obviously games every Friday night. JV cheers on Saturday mornings.” She continues to ramble on and claps her hands together. “Oh, this is just going to be perfect! I’m so excited. If you need anything, you know where to find me! By the way, today’s your first practice. The girls will meet you on the field!” She rushes out of my classroom and as the door shuts behind her I can’t help but think that I just got swindled. The bright side to today? I have yet to run into Ford.


“Soph! My favorite Senior. How was cheer camp last week?” I’m leaned up against the weight room, just south of the football field, checking in with Sophie who is not only captain of the cheerleading squad but also my kids favorite babysitter. She has been such a huge asset to our family the last five years, watching the kids almost anytime I need her, she helps out around my house, and she’s a great role model for Aria. Sophie comes bouncing over to me.

“Hey Mr. J.” she breathes out as she flops against the building next to me, “camp was good. A lot of work, but good. Did you hear we lost another cheer coach?”

“Yeah, I heard. Rough. But I’m sure the school will find a great replacement. I wouldn’t worry about it. Plus, with you as captain, you could basically handle the whole squad by yourself,” I joke with her, nudging her arm with mine. She giggles and rolls her eyes.

“Whatever you say. I got your text during lunch, what’s up? Need me to come over this weekend?”

“Actually, yeah. You don’t even have to wait for the kids to fall asleep. They know you’re coming and Aria is so psyched…” I trail off when I hear a gasp from around the corner of the weight room. My brows furrow together and I shove off the wall to walk around the corner and run smack into somebody. “Shit,” I growl and my hands automatically shoot out to keep the person in front of me from falling backwards. “Sorry, I didn’t know anyone was standi…,” I trail off when I realize it’s Lex and she looks furious.

“What the hell is wrong with you!?” She seethes, shaking my hands off of her biceps and pokes her finger into my chest.

Tags: Kyra Lennon Romance