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“Shut the fuck up. She’s the new History teacher. I met her today while the kids and I were here so I could work on a few things in my room.” I shoot back.

“No shit?” he says, “already letting her meet the kids?” He’s a real comedian, ladies and gents. “I’m just messing with ya, bro. Maybe you should pursue it. She’s hot and it’s been a long while since anyone other than Zoe has caught your attention.” And with that, Jaxson hauls the equipment bags back to the locker rooms. I turn and watch Lex drive out of the parking lot. I can’t argue with him, he’s right. No one other than Zoe has interested me in 15 years. No one, that is, other than Lex Carter. I am so screwed.


I let myself into my cozy two bedroom rental house. I just picked up the keys from the landlord yesterday. I didn’t have a whole lot to move in, just a few boxes with some clothes and knick knacks. I’m going to have to get some furniture but right now I’m just happy to have something that belongs to me. I hear my phone ringing in my purse and I dig it out. A huge smile splits my face when I see it’s Ronnie.

“Hey girlfriend,” I say. Ronnie Vaughn. My saving grace, literally. She saved my life four years ago when she found me sleeping on that train and I never looked back.

“Alexandra Renee Carter, you were supposed to call me when you got to your new place last night and I haven’t heard a peep from you. I’ve been worried sick young lady.” I laugh a little at that. Did I forget to mention that Ronnie Vaughn is old enough to be my grandmother?

“I’m sorry, Ron! By the time I got the keys and found the place it was midnight and I was so exhausted from the drive I just crashed. Forgive me?”

“Of course I forgive you, child but next time call me. Tryna give an old lady a heart attack. Now, tell me about your day.” Ronnie is nothing if not nosy, so I proceed to tell her all about my day, minus the Ford James part.

“Now I know you’re hiding something from me. I can tell by the tone of your voice. But that’s okay, you don’t need to tell me right now. I’ll beat it out of ya when I come visit.”

“Ronnie, you are NOT driving down here to visit me. That is a long ass drive and I know you tend to forget but let me remind you - you are eighty years old,” I gently remind her of her age because I swear on all that is good this woman thinks she’s twenty.

“Oh baby, don’t you worry about me. We will figure it out. Now what about the no-good-ex of yours? He staying gone?"

I sigh heavily. "Yeah Ron, he's staying gone. I'm scared every day that he's going to find me." Finally admitting out loud something that’s been eating at me. It’s been years but I’m still afraid he’s going to decide to come after me.

"You listen to me, Alexis, and you listen to me good. You escaped the pits of Hell with nothing more than the clothes on your back... Do NOT let that man have any more of your life, you hear me?" Her voice catches at the end.

"I hear you, Ronnie," I say, a sob escaping me. "I Iove you. Talk soon, k?"

Ronnie has been so good to me. I love her so much and she deserves all the happiness in the world. Her husband died from a massive heart attack when he was 60 and she was 58 so she’s been alone for a long time. Plus she’s spent the last four years practically raising me.

The kitchen in my cottage is tiny, the stove and oven are set right into the cupboards to save space. It has a small island in the center for extra counter space that doubles as a bar. I fling the fridge door open to grab the bottle of wine that I stashed in there last night as soon as I got in, because priorities. Peeling the foil paper off the top of it and twisting the top off to take a swig right from the bottle, a sense of peace settling over me. It’s been a long time since I’ve felt at peace.I grab my keys from the marble countertop that I sat them on along with my white zin, kick off my flip flops, and make my way back to the living room. Plopping down onto the floor cross legged, I use my keys to open one of the three boxes that are stacked in my living room, when you’ve spent the last four years hiding from your abusive ex fiance you learn to not hold on to too much.

This box happens to be full of clothes. My wardrobe for work is slightly limited since I spent most of my money to get down here to Alabama and secure this cottage but that’s okay. I’m here and I’m alive and that’s really all that matters. I keep digging until I find what I know is nestled in between all the thrift store shirts and slacks, the picture of me and Ronnie. Her wrinkly face smiling up at me like I’m her favorite person in the world and my arm wrapped so tight around her bony shoulders like I can’t fathom ever letting her go. I jump up and put the picture on the fireplace mantle and take a satisfied look around the mostly empty cottage. Here’s to the start of a brand new beginning.


I throw my truck into park, scrubbing my hands up and down my face. I should have been home hours ago but between football practice, meeting with the school principal to go over my curriculum for the school year, and trying to finish setting up my classroom, the time just got away from me. My shoulders sag as I exhale. Both kids are probably in bed and I didn’t even get to tuck them in. I roll my neck to release some of the tension and glance to the right. There’s a jeep parked in the driveway of the house next door that’s been empty. I usually keep an eye on it for Mrs. Jenkins, the lady that owns it. Mostly mowing the yard and small repairs for tenants when it’s rented. I forgot she called me last week to tell me someone was moving in. I made a mental note to go over and introduce myself sometime this week.

I grab my messenger bag and my gym bag and jump out of my truck, quietly shutting the door so I don’t wake the kids. I swear, Aria knows the sound of my truck door and the last thing I need is a grumpy five year old on her first day of kindergarten tomorrow. Jesus Christ. Kindergarten. When did my baby grow up? Grabbing my mail, I make my way up the wooden steps to my wrap around porch.

“Oh sweetie, you look exhausted.”

“What the hell, ma?!” I stumble, almost losing my footing and barely make it up the top step. I look over and she’s sitting on the porch swing in the dark. “You trying to give me a fucking heart attack?” I spit out. She throws her head back and laughs.

“Sorry baby, I thought you saw me sitting up here. I got both the kids down about an hour ago. They were pretty disappointed you weren’t here to tuck them in on their last night of summer vacation.” She shoots me a little look that I know means she’s disappointed in me as well.

“I know. Shit. I’m sorry. I didn’t get much of my room set up this morning with both of them there, then I had practice.” I drop my bags on the porch and flop down into the swing next to her, slinging my arm around her shoulders. “Then I had that meeting at six with the principal and I meant to just go up to my classroom and arrange a few desks but then I started sorting through shit and time just got away from me. I’m sorry. I really am trying my best here, ma.”

“Oh Crawford,” I wince at the use of my full name, “I know you’re doing the best you can, but you’re running yourself ragged trying to do it. I know you didn’t anticipate Zoe leaving you three like she did..”

I cut in before she can finish her sentence, “Mom, please. I just can’t do this with you tonight. I’m exhausted and I need to get up early to get the kids and myself ready for our first day, I still need to shower and I haven’t eaten dinner yet…” before I can finish my sentence there’s an ear-piercing scream that comes from the now occupied house next door.

“What the hell?” I mutter while jumping from the swing, vaulting over my porch railing and crossing my yard to the neighbors house.

I bang on the door three times and when there’s no answer but more shrieking, I try the handle and the door swings open. “Hey!” I shout, making my way through the nearly empty living room towards the hallway where more shrieking and now some very colorful swear words are coming from.

“Shit, mother fuck… oh my god. Make it stop. No, no you piece of shit. Not today, Satan! Not today!” I hear a voice chanting from down the hall. I chuckle a little as I make my way further and realize it’s coming from the bathroom. I glance around the doorway and well, well, well. If it isn’t the hot little number from school earlier. She’s dancing around outside of her shower, where the shower head has clearly busted off and there’s now a stream of water shooting all over the place, including on her. She’s in that same little tank top and shorts from earlier, only now her entire outfit is soaked. And judging from the view I’m getting of her backside, she isn’t wearing a bra.

I prop my shoulder against the door jam and cross my arms over my chest. “Well howdy neighbor, what seems to be the problem?”

Tags: Kyra Lennon Romance