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“Ah Jax, you know I can’t man. I need the help. And she’s actually pretty good. She’s friendly and the customers love

her. Sorry.” Dean turns around and heads down the bar to fill some more drink orders just as a we hear a table of guys laughing at whatever Avery is saying.

“I bet they love her,” he grumbles under his breath. I smack him on the back.

“Ah man, that’s not fair. You know she’s just doing what she has to do to get by.”

“I know. I’m just being a dick. Let’s stop talking about me and start talking about you. How’s the neighbor situation going?” Dean drops another round in front of us and I pick mine up, taking a long swig from the bottle to stall for time. Jaxson chuckles. “Keep stalling, bro. I can sit here all night. You, however, have to relieve your babysitter.”

“First, you’re a dick. Second, the situation is fine. She’s a lovely neighbor.” Jax snorts.

“A lovely neighbor? What the fuck kind of shit is that? Tell me, Mr. James, have you tapped that ass yet?”

I smile and shake my head, lifting my beer to my lips.

“You’re such a fucking idiot.” I’m still smiling when I take a drink. Because no, I haven’t tapped it yet. But I fully intend to.


The cab pulls up in front of my house to let me out and I tip the driver, who isn’t really a cabbie, his name is Fred and he’s a townie who makes a killing driving all the drunk young people around on the weekends, and make the walk from the car to the door. Kicking off my boots, I toss my jacket onto the chair.

I see Sophie crashed out on the couch with Aria laying on top of her. AJ’s little leg is hanging off the side and Soph’s arm is flopped over, her fingers grazing the carpet. I lean down and carefully lift Aria into my arms, startling Sophie awake.

“Crap,” she mutters rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, “she had a nightmare and wanted to lay on the couch with me. I didn't mean to fall asleep.” She stretches her arms above her head, her tiny t-shirt riding up just a little. I divert my eyes, brushing Aria’s hair from her face. I press a kiss to her little forehead.

Clearing my throat, I start to head towards the stairs. “Let me just lay her down and I’ll grab you some money for watching them.”

Heading upstairs, I deposit Aria into her princess bed and pull the covers up to her chin. She’s crashed and probably won’t wake up until morning. It’s not like her to have a nightmare. I make my way down the hallway and peek in on Zane, who is passed out in his bed with his TV still on. Rolling my eyes, I walk in and grab the remote and click the set off. I close the door behind me and head down the stairs. I’m not drunk but I am pleasantly buzzed as I hit the bottom of the stairs and turn the corner just in time to see Sophie bent over stuffing her books back in her book bag. Her ass is practically hanging out of her shorts.

What the fuck? Since when does she dress like that? That definitely isn’t what she was wearing when she showed up just after bedtime to watch the kids for me. She had to have changed. I know she has a crush on me, but seriously, I would never. Not with a student, present or former. That shit weirds me out. I cough into my fist, so she knows I’m down here, and she looks backwards over her shoulder and smiles at me but makes no attempt to stand up.

“Hey, sorry, just packing up.” She finishes and zips her bag up, standing up and slipping her flip flops on. I walk over to my leather jacket and pull my wallet out, taking two 20’s from it.

“Thanks,” I say, handing her the money. “You know I appreciate you watching them for me.” She grins cheekily at me.

“No problemo, Ford,” she says. I told her years ago when she started babysitting for me that she could call me by my name outside of school and it took her a few years to be comfortable with it. She snatches the money out of my hand. “Gotta save up for college.” She slips the money into her book bag and swings it up over her shoulder. “Let me know when you need me again.”

I pull the door open and she walks out before me.

“Text me when you’re home so I know you made it okay.” It’s late and I rarely ever have her stay this late to watch the kids. Usually my mom does it, but she had a date. A fucking DATE.

Sophie skips her way down the stairs, beeping the locks on her Kia to unlock the doors.

“Yes, sir,” she throws with a wink over her shoulder. I shake my head at her.

“Later, Soph.” She jumps in her car and backs out of the driveway. I wait until her taillights fade in the distance before I head back inside. My phone dings after I flip the deadbolt on the door. No way that’s Sophie already. I pull it out of my pocket.

Alexis: Don’t worry, there were no wild parties while you were away.

Me: Ah, is that so? Well thank you for keeping an eye out for me.

Alexis: No problem. I popped by shortly after you left to let Sophie know she could come over if she needed anything.

Me: Huh. She didn’t mention it.

Alexis: Probably just slipped her mind. Did you enjoy your boys night out?

Me: I did indeed, Miss Carter. How was your evening?

Tags: Kyra Lennon Romance