Page 31 of If I Let You Go

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I refused to look at Dominic as I walked around the bed to climb in beside Tilly. He twisted himself around and got in on the other side of her. She snuggled into him, still clinging tightly to her soft toys. Even though she was upset with him for going back on his promise to be at her birthday party, I loved how she always knew he’d keep her safe. Dominic tucked his arm around her, and she wriggled closer.

I kept firmly to my side of the bed, until Tilly tugged at my nightie to pull me to her. I shuffled over as Dominic switched off the light, and when I couldn’t possibly get any closer, I said, “Are you comfy now?”

“Very,” Tilly answered.

She made an excellent buffer between Dominic and me, but he was still close enough that if I moved just a fraction, our legs would touch. Tilly picked up my hand, and slung it across her and Dominic, where it slapped noisily down on his arse.

Yes, he had his boxers on, but that didn’t make it any less embarrassing.

We looked at each other over the top of Tilly’s head, and even in the dark, I could see him trying to conceal a grin. I couldn’t help it, I started to laugh. When Dominic joined in, Tilly said, “Stop giggling, I’m trying to sleep!”

“Hmm, bit of a cheek as you were the one who woke us up, little lady!” I said, moving my hand so it rested on her arm, not Dominic’s bum.

“You had to use the word ‘cheek,’” he said, laughing harder.

Unknowingly, Tilly had eased the tension in the weirdest way, making the situation funnier than it should have been. Dominic and I were laughing so much the bed shook.

“Seriously!” Tilly said. “Stop laughing, or Madison will have to go back to her own room.”

“Well now she sounds like you!” Dominic said, and this time, I slapped his arm. It was hard to muster much force while laughing at being given a “warning” by a five-year-old.

“I should go.”

“No, stay!” Tilly said, grabbing onto my nightie again. “Just stop laughing.”

“Yes, boss.”

I gave her a kiss on the cheek, and tried to get a grip on myself. Again, my eyes met Dominic’s over the top of her head, and his hand reached for mine, our fingers intertwining. After what I’d said about “walking away,” I should have let go. But it felt too good.

We stayed that way until Tilly fell asleep. The sound of her soft breathing relaxed me. The faint smile on her lips that made me wonder what she was dreaming of. It certainly didn’t seem to be the monsters that had tortured her earlier.


His whisper startled me, and I whispered back, “She’s asleep. I’ll go to bed now.”

“No.” He squeezed my hand. “Stay. Please.”


“I’m scared of the dark.”

I snorted out a laugh when Dominic smiled. “Tilly will look after you,” I said, keeping my voice low. “Plus she brought her army of nightmare destroyers with her.”

“True. But you told Tilly you’d stay.”

His thumb gently stroked the back of my hand. I wasn’t sure if he was even aware of it, but even that small movement set my mind reeling again. I wanted to run to the safety of my own room, where it would be easier to block out the feelings I had for him. Staying in his bed, the place that had kick-started all of the complications, was a bad move, I knew. But being close to him was too tempting. Too comfortable.

“I’ll stay,” I told him.

I only wish you would do the same.

Chapter 10

Tilly’s birthday sleepover. Four six-year-olds. One adult.

It could have been a disaster, but I’d worked my arse off to make sure that, even if Dominic wasn’t there, Tilly’s sixth birthday would be her best ever.

Her friends, Lucy, Ava and Lily arrived at the flat mid-afternoon, which meant I had to keep them entertained for a long time. After checking with the girls’ parents that they had no allergies, and no problems with their little ones playing dress-up, I was ready for a day of epic girlyness.

Tags: Kyra Lennon Romance