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I grab a glass of water and walk forward before coming to a stop at the guy’s head. I can’t help but look down and take in the naked ass staring back up at me and I have to admit, it’s a nice ass, but it’s got nothing on Nate’s.

I raise the glass and slowly begin to pour.

His eyes pop open in surprise before he realizes I’m pouring water all over him. He springs off the couch and looks down at me, blinking hard to force himself to wake up.

His dick goes flying in all different directions before falling to a stop, hanging low and impressive. “What the hell?” Tyson demands.

I grin up at him. “Dude, your junk is hanging out.”

He looks down and his eyes widen in horror before he quickly cups himself, hiding it from the world. “Sorry,” he says with a grin, clearly knowing that what he’s got is nothing to be ashamed of. “It was a big night. I guess I crashed on your couch.”

“I guess you did,” I reply. “Tell me, did your night happen to involve screwing over any of my best friends?” His brows pull down before shooting straight back up followed by a proud and pleased smirk. “I’ll take that as a ‘yes’,” I say with an eye roll. “Bry is currently in the bathroom regretting her choices so I suggest if you want to avoid the awkward morning after conversation, you scram.”

He looks at me as though I’m giving him the secrets to life before he snaps into action searching the room for his clothes. Within seconds, he’s out the door with me laughing behind him.

I turn back to the kitchen to find Brylee appearing in the hallway, cautiously looking around with a shameful cringe. The second she realizes she’s safe, relief floods her features. “Oh, thank god, he’s gone,” she sighs, happily walking forward and collecting her clothes. It’s then she realizes I’m standing right here and knows exactly what she did.

She avoids looking at me and walks straight past me, picking up clothes on the way. “I don’t want to hear a single word about it,” she tells me.

I hold back my laughter. “Wasn’t going to.”

“Good.” With that, she heads for the door. “Love you,” she calls over her shoulder moments before it closes behind her.

I let the laughter out before realizing the bathroom is finally free and make a run for it. We’ve already got enough to clean up. I don’t need to add that to the list.

While I’m in the bathroom, I strip myself down to my birthday suit and fall into the shower. I’m washing my hair when Brooke barges her way in. “I hired a cleaner,” she tells me before disappearing back out the door.

I let out a sigh and call behind her. “Thanks.”

Half an hour later, I’m in my car, just about to pull up at Nate’s shop. A massive crack of thunder rumbles through Broken Hill before a flash of lightening colors the dark, cloudy sky. I have one street to go before I pull into Nate’s driveway and if I’m lucky, I’ll make it before the sky opens up.

A second later, the rain falls.

I guess I’m not as lucky as I thought.

I swerve around a massive puddle that’s formed on the opposite side of the road to Nate’s shop before pulling into his driveway. My only saving grace is that I can pull straight into his shop to avoid getting drenched in the downpour but as I approach the shop, I realize that’s not going to happen because a stupid big black Range Rover is blocking my way. I have no choice but to park out in the rain and make a run for it.


Today is not my day.

I bring my car to a stop as close to shelter as possible and take a deep breath. I look down at my bag and pull my phone out, deciding I’m better off without a huge bag weighing me down. I lift my butt off the chair and slide the phone into my back pocket before making a break for it.

I throw the door open and squeal as the water pours down over me. I slam the door and run.

It takes all of four steps to get to cover but by the time I reach it, I’m dripping wet. And what pisses me off more is the fact that when I do get under cover, the rain slows to an even pour just to taunt me.

I wipe the water off my face and walk into Nate’s shop looking like a drowned rat. I hear their voices before I see them, but it doesn’t take me long to find them all hovered around the Miura.

Jesse, Jackson, and Nate are all working on the body of the car like a well-oiled machine and I have to admit, watching the three of them together gives me ‘the feels’. Jesse and Nate have always been close, but seeing them welcoming Jackson in is even better. It wasn’t that long ago that having Jackson here would have caused a riot and now it’s this dangerous bromance that has me on edge every time they’re around.

Tags: Sheridan Anne Broken Hill High Romance