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Instead of waking up with a smile on my face, I’m cursing the world and hating that there’s this big, bright thing in the sky called the sun, and what’s more, is that I’ll never learn. My head hurts. I mean, like seriously hurts. This woman cannot handle her hangovers. Well, I guess that’s slightly unfair. Sometimes I handle hangovers with grace and dignity, especially when there’s company. Now is not one of those times.

The rumble happens again and it takes me a moment to realize it sounds less like a table being scrapped along the wooden floors and more like the sky cursing the world for being such assholes.

With that, I throw back my blanket and trudge across the room towards the window. I lean up against the sill and move back the blinds before peering up at the sky, and holy hell, it looks as though the sky is about to open up and swallow us whole.

Everything beyond this window is covered in water and it’s clear it must have poured down during the night, but it’s not nearly over. It’s just taking a short intermission. There’s no doubt in my mind that this side of the world is about to get drenched. It’s inevitable. The only question is if it’s going to be a fun storm to sit back and watch or if it’s going to tear the town apart like the last one did.

With a sigh, I turn back to my bed, only it doesn’t have the familiar body I’ve become so used to seeing in the morning. The opposite side of my bed is completely empty with a tiny little white note sitting atop his pillow.

I crash down onto my bed and grab the note before giving it a quick once over.


I went to the shop.

Didn’t want to wake you.

Drink some water and have a few painkillers.

I’ll see you after work.

Love you.

Short and sweet. Nothing like him at all.

Not wanting to disappoint, I start searching through my bedside drawer for the painkillers and realize they’re already sitting right beside my charging phone with a glass of iced water.

My stomach swirls and for a moment I wonder if it’s the butterflies taking flight over his thoughtfulness when I realize it’s actually the disgusting amount of alcohol sitting in the bottom of my stomach threatening to reappear for breakfast.

I grab the glass of water and roll the little tablets between my fingers. The ice cubes in the water look mostly melted, telling me Nate must have left a while ago. I take tiny frequent sips of the water and swallow the painkillers. My stomach instantly settles and I’m sure a piece of dry toast will also help keep it all down.

With that, I place the glass back on my bedside table and light up the screen of my phone. 11:48 am. Hmmm, not as early as I thought it was.

Realizing half the day is gone, I get up out of bed. It’s a Saturday morning… well, almost afternoon, and I have absolutely no plans for the day. I may as well go down to the shop and see if there’s anything I can help Nate with. He’s been so busy in that shop. It’s incredible how his business is already taking off, but it’s also a pain in the ass.

I slip into my little bunny slippers and step into the hallway. As I start walking down, a body starts heading up the other way. I raise my chin and meet Brylee’s horrified cringe. She rubs a hand over her face and while she’s looking right at me, I don’t think she actually sees me. She walks forward in nothing but her underwear which looks as though it’s about to fall off. Her bra strap is down at her elbow and the hickey on her neck is telling me a little something about her night.

“No, no, no, no,” she chants to herself over and over again before sulking and pushing out her bottom lip.

She beats me to the bathroom and I figure I’ll let her work out whatever the hell is going through her mind before I drag her out of there kicking and screaming. I mean, it’s nearly the middle of the day and I haven’t peed after a night of drinking. My bladder is screaming at me, but it will have to wait a few minutes.

I guess there’s no better time to start making a coffee.

I make my way up the rest of the hallway and come out into the kitchen. I don’t want to look around. I’m too scared of the mess that I’ll find, but in order to make myself a coffee, I have no choice.

I turn to see the rest of the house and am surprised to find it’s not so bad. The kitchen is mostly put together, but there are red cups and spilled drinks all over it. I raise my eyes out towards the living room and have to do a double take. A body lays naked, chest down on my couch, but the familiar dark hair has my mouth popping open before turning into a sly grin.

Tags: Sheridan Anne Broken Hill High Romance