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“Fuck,” Jesse roars loud enough for the douche canoe’s in Haven Falls to hear. I look out the window to see Jesse standing dead center in the middle of the pool with water gushing off him, his PlayStation held way above his head, and a glare deep in his eyes as he stares at his girlfriend. “You’re so fucking lucky I love you.”

She gasps as she watches him. “You love me?”

“Unfortunately,” he grumbles but seeing the look of absolute joy on her face has his bad mood instantly lifting. He tosses the ruined PlayStation aside and stalks forward.

“Shit, Kaylah,” I yell, honestly terrified for the poor girl. “Run.”

“No,” she says, shaking her head as she cautiously watches him. “He wouldn’t. He loves me, you know?”

“Poor girl,” Nate murmurs beside me. “She’s got a lot to learn about that kid.”

“Yep,” I say popping the ‘p’.

“Come on,” he says, taking my hand and pulling me away from the window. “We may as well get ready for the day. Jesse is going to be up here in a minute demanding our attention.”

“I don’t know,” I muse, allowing him to drag me to the bathroom. “I think he’s going to be spending the day pretty immersed in Kaylah after telling her that he loves her.”

“True,” he says. “I guess it’s just you and me for the day.”

We walk into the bathroom and Nate grabs the hem of my shirt before slowly peeling it from my body. “Were you serious about all that Jackson crap just now?” I question.

“Serious?” he grunts. “You’re standing before me naked as the day you were born and you want to know about Jackson?”

I can’t help but smile. “I guess.”

“Fuck, that dude is such a cock blocker.”

“Nate,” I scold.

He rolls his eye as he shrugs out of his shirt but as his eyes meet mine, he scrunches up his face. “I don’t know,” he tells me truthfully before reaching into the shower and turning the taps. “I really don’t want to, but the dickhead called me when you got hurt and I’ll forever be grateful for that. It was, you know, kinda cool of him.”

“You don’t… respect him, do you?” I gasp in mock horror.

Nate grabs me and tosses me into the cool water of the shower. “Shut up.”

“Shit,” I shriek. “That’s cold.”

Nate smirks, proud of his doing as looks me up and down. I lean back against the cold tiles of the shower watching as he looks at me with a deep desire. His eyes heat and my breath catches.

Holy hell. How quickly this man can affect me. My insides clench and I bite down on my lower lip just imagining what he could do to me.

I’ve just spent the night with him all over me, caressing every inch of my skin and giving me an unbelievable amount of intense pleasure, so if he doesn’t touch me in the next two seconds, I might just die.

My eyes roam over his solid abs and down to that ‘V’ that has me drooling every single time he takes his shirt off. I mean, it’s like a big arrow pointing straight towards the goods.

Fuck, I need to touch him. I just need to reach out and run my fingers down his skin, taking all of him in my hands.

Nate steps forward with hunger in his eyes and I hold on as this is going to be one hell of a ride.

We emerge from Nate’s room an hour later and make our way downstairs. “I’m fucking hungry,” Nate grumbles as he heads into the kitchen and starts diving through the fridge.

“Well,” I grin to myself. “You certainly earned it.”

Nate looks back over his shoulder and flashes me a smile that has me wanting to do it all over again. His eyes sparkle in that boyish way and I fall in love all over again. I’m starting to find it hard to believe that he used to be my bully. We’ve come so damn far since those days. I mean, it’s nearly been a year. School is just about done and following the summer, we’ll be going to college.

I can’t wait. It will be like a whole new beginning with a world of new experiences.

Jesse and Kaylah appear from the den and Kaylah comes to sit by me on the stool while Jesse helps Nate in the kitchen. They get busy cooking us breakfast while Jesse goes on and on about the new PlayStation he’s going to have to go out and buy today, though all that does is spark a conversation about what new games he can buy to go with it.

The sound of the front door opening and Trish’s playful giggle has all four of us freezing on the spot. The conversation comes to a dead stop and I cringe, realizing a lot quicker than the boys what’s going on.

Tags: Sheridan Anne Broken Hill High Romance