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“I don’t know,” Nate groans, wrapping his hands around me and pulling me in hard against his body. “Sounds like Kaylah.”

“I told you. I’m not going to fucking do it,” Jesse’s voice is heard, roaring right back at her.

“Shit,” I groan, grabbing the blanket and pulling it up over my head to block out the light. “Trouble in paradise.”

“Sounds like they’re outside,” Nate murmurs curiously, nuzzling his face into my neck.

“I swear to God, Jess,” Kaylah growls. “Do it or the stupid thing gets it.”

“Don’t you dare,” Jesse yells with panic lacing his tone.

“What the hell is going on out there?” I moan.

Nate lets out a huff and throws the blanket back, making the morning chill rush my body and bring shivers all over me. Nate smirks as I pull my legs up and wrap my arms around them, trying to hold onto what little body heat I can.

He yawns as he crosses the room and makes his way over to the window. He rips open the blinds and within the space of two seconds, a wicked grin rips across his face as he undoes the latch to open the window. “Shit, I think I might give this chick a chance,” he murmurs, watching whatever is happening below.

Not being able to resist, I trudge out of bed and cross the room. I slide in beside Nate and he puts his arm around me so I can lean up against him. I look out the window and as much as I love Jesse, I love what I’m seeing more.

Kaylah and Jesse stand on either side of the pool glaring at each other and not in the good kind of way. Kaylah has one hand stubbornly on her hip while the other is stretched out over the top of the pool with Jesse’s beloved PlayStation dangling from her fingers. I mean, I can’t say that I’ve ever held a PlayStation like that before but it couldn’t be easy. That thing only has a few more seconds before it slips out of her fingers and she doesn’t look like she gives a shit about saving it.

“Babe,” Jesse says, trying to calm the situation as his eyes frantically flick back and forth between Kaylah and the PlayStation. “Quit messing around.”

“I’m serious,” she says. “I want you to fix it.”

“Do it,” Nate calls out, cheering Kaylah on.

Jesse and Kaylah look up and I can’t help but laugh at the look on each of their faces. Jesse looks horrified by Nate’s encouragement while Kaylah looks as though she’s ready to let the PlayStation take a swim. “Dude,” Jesse grunts. “You’re not fucking helping.”

“Yeah, well this is what you get when all your bullshit wakes me up. Do it, Kaylah.”

I shove Nate aside, desperately trying to save the PlayStation. I mean, Jesse and I have had some really good times with that thing together, even though he tends to cheat. “What the hell are you guys even fighting about?”

Kaylah smirks as Jesse scoffs. “She wants me to make nice with her brother.”

A grin cuts across my face, knowing exactly how this is going to end. I say a silent prayer for the PlayStation and laugh at Jess. “I think it’s a great idea. Jackson is pretty cool once you get to know him.”

“Geez,” Nate scoffs at me. “You’re taking it a bit far, don’t you think?”

“He is cool,” I say.

“For a douchebag.”

“Will you two shut up?” Jesse scolds from below. “I’m trying to save my PlayStation here.”

Kaylah grunts. “There’s only one way for you to save this stupid thing,” she says, giving the PlayStation a wiggle between her fingers, making both mine and Jesse’s hearts start racing.

“Over my dead body,” Jesse demands.

“Have it your way,” she smirks as she flinches.

Jesse blanches as he watches her bluff before relief completely overtakes him. He slowly starts walking around the pool towards her as Nate steals her attention. “I’ll make good with your brother if you throw it in.”

“Really?” she questions, suspiciously.

Nate nods and her smile is blinding. “Ok,” she says with a cocky attitude which I’m sure she either learned from Jackson or Jesse. A second later, she tosses the PlayStation with everything she’s got right into the center of the pool.

“No,” Jesse yells out as he watches in horror. He throws himself towards the falling PlayStation and it’s almost as though it happens in slow motion.

He’s not going to make it.

Jesse catches the PlayStation just as his body crashes into the water but he’s completely parallel to the water, so no matter how high he reaches above the water, they’re both going down.

“A moment of silence for our fallen comrade,” I murmur beside Nate, stepping back to place a hand over my heart.

“Shit,” Nate laughs as he watches Jesse break through the top of the water with a gasp.

Tags: Sheridan Anne Broken Hill High Romance