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“Oh, nothing,” she says, stepping closer to get in my face. She lowers her voice, trying to appear intimidating. “Just came to remind you that you’re nothing. Nate is finished with you and now that the most popular guy in school has decided you’re worthless, nobody else will ever want you. You’re done here and now that he’s put out the trash, I can get my man back.”

I see red. How dare she? After everything she has put us through, she has the nerve to get in my face like that. Nu-uh. Not here. Not now. Besides, if living with Nate and Jesse for two months taught me anything, it’s to handle shit with my fists.

“Nate wouldn’t touch you with a ten-foot pole,” I tell her as I step into her, forcing her back a step. “I took you down once before. Don’t think I won’t do it again.”

“Tora,” Brooke warns beside me, tugging on my elbow. “Let’s go.”

I ignore her to continue glaring at Ashley. I’m more than ready to go and if she doesn’t back down now, she’s mine.

Luckily for her, she scoffs in my face and steps away. She turns her back as though she’s so damn important and walks away. “Oh,” she says looking back over her shoulder as a sick grin takes over her slimy face. “It’s a damn shame about your car.”

“You little bitch,” I yell as my hands ball into fists. “You did it.”

“Prove it,” she laughs. She turns back and walks away with a strut that grates on my every nerve and I physically can’t hold back any longer.

I run for her. I take three big strides before my hand flies out before me. I launch myself at her back and the bitch goes down like a sack of shit. She squeals out as she smacks down into the grass and I’m pretty sure I’m screaming too. I couldn’t be too sure but my throat’s hurting.

“Get off me,” she squeals, desperately trying to buck me off while reaching around and clawing at me. She draws blood as I grab fists full of hair. I don’t even know what I’m screaming out but I know I’ve never quite lost control like this.

Is she right? Is Nate done with me? Am I worthless? I don’t know, but what I do know is that two months ago he broke it off and things have never been the same.

People start running at us but I can’t stop, not until an arm is wound around my waist and I’m physically hauled off the bitch. I fight and claw at the arm that’s got me, desperate to teach Ashley a lesson.

Brooke steps into my field of vision, right up in my face. “Snap out of it,” she demands. When I don’t stop, she splashes her bottle of water over my face.

I gasp out, finally focusing on her. “What the fuck was that?” I yell at Brooke.

Sensing that I’ve stopped, for now, the arm around my waist loosens and my feet land firmly on the ground. I turn around to see B-Man, one of the football players that I don’t really know, and he grunts before walking away. Behind him, I see Principal Watkins hurrying down to the parking lot and saying he’s not happy would be a major understatement.

“You,” he demands, pointing at me before turning on Ashley. “And you. My office. NOW.”

“Shit,” Brooke murmurs beside me. “You’re fucked.” I shrug my shoulders, not giving a shit. Like Ashley so kindly pointed out, I’ve already lost Nate, what else do I have to lose? “Text me,” she says as I step back towards the school.

“K,” I mutter.

I get up to his office and an hour later, I’m escorted out by my very pissed off mother and my second suspension in my whole high school career. Only this time, mom didn’t give a shit about fighting for a lesser charge.

Chapter 5

Mom slams her way through the front door of our home and I’ve never seen her so pissed off in my life. “What the hell was that?” she demands, turning on me before we’ve even gotten into the foyer. “I thought I could trust you to act like a decent human being. Instead, you’re throwing yourself at girls in the parking lot.”


“I don’t want to hear your excuses. I don’t want to hear what she said. I don’t care if she was nasty. I don’t want to know if she made you feel small. I trusted you not to use violence, and now this is the second time it’s happened,” she yells. “I’ve never been so disgusted with your actions. I’m appalled, Tora. I thought I raised you right.”

“She slashed my tires,” I yell back.

“Then you should have brought it to the school’s attention, not slammed the girl into the ground and ripped out chunks of her hair. You’re not an animal and I certainly didn’t raise you that way. Maybe your father was right. Maybe breaking up with Nathaniel was the right thing to do because I don’t even recognize you anymore.”

Tags: Sheridan Anne Broken Hill High Romance