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I mean, unless he’s prepared to take the risk and actually be with me. Our futures be damned. I’m definitely willing to risk it all to be with him, but apparently, he thinks I deserve the world. Can’t he see? To me, he is the world.

I must lay here with my head squished into my arms for an hour, just staring at the wall when my phone beeps with a text. I pull it out, desperately hoping it’s something from Nate. After all, he’s the only thought that’s been in my mind since the second I walked up the stairs.

Jesse – You ok? I’m assuming from the way Nate came out of there, something went down. Need company?

Tora – I’m fine. Do me a favor and remind him how much he loves me.

Jesse – Shit. That bad, huh?

Tora – You have no idea!

Jesse – Sucks to be you! Just heard from the mechanic. Your rim is fucked. They need to order in a new one. I’ll be your chauffeur for the foreseeable future. Any requests, milady?

Tora – Leave me the keys for your Range Rover.

Jesse – Over my dead body!

With a sigh, I throw my phone down on the bed. I thought today couldn’t possibly get any worse. I’ve never been so wrong. Not only have I possibly lost Nate, I’ve now lost my only form of freedom. Lucky me.

Chapter 4

I walk down the stairs and out the front door to find the familiar Range Rover heading down my drive. My nerves begin to spike as my heart begins to race. My brain is telling me it’s just Jesse, but my heart is hoping for Nate.

I know it’s a very real possibility that it’s him, after all, he thrives on being the one who gets to do this kind of stuff. It’s almost like it makes him feel like a man taking care of his girl, sometimes I love it and other times … well, not so much.

Today, I’m hoping for it.

As the car comes closer, I find myself studying it. The passenger seat is empty and as I scan towards the driver’s seat, I find myself at a loss. Damn, those brothers look so similar. All I can make out is the dark hair behind the tinted windows.

Guess I’m up for a surprise when I open the door.

The car comes to a stop and I walk down the stairs. With each step I take, my heart pumps a little faster and by the time I get to the bottom, I’ve convinced myself that this is it. It’s Nate coming to say he’s sorry and tell me that we can make this work.

I reach for the handle and pull on the door. I’ve never been so happy. Nate is going to heal my heart in one easy go. Things can finally go back to how they used to be and I’ll never have to sleep alone again.

Only it’s not Nate’s loving face looking back at me, it’s Jesse’s smirking one.

My whole world crumbles.

How could I let myself get worked up like that? I’m so stupid. I should have known better. Nate Ryder isn’t one to cave to someone else’s demands, no matter who the person is asking. He does things in his time, not caring how it affects the other person.

I’m such an idiot.

I pull myself up into Jesse Range Rover and he instantly hands me a coffee. “Geez,” he scoffs as he hits the gas. “Don’t look so happy to see me.”

“Sorry,” I grumble, taking a sip of the scalding coffee. “I thought Nate might have come.”

“Huh?” he grunts as his brows pull down. “I told you yesterday I would.”

I groan as I look out the window. “I know, I should have listened.”

“Damn straight, woman.”

“Watch it,” I scold. “Just because I’m an idiot doesn’t mean I can’t kick your ass.”

He rolls his eyes as he pulls out onto the road. “I’d like to see you try,” he laughs.

I shake my head and let out a low breath, deciding it’s best to turn this conversation on Jesse. “When’s your date with Kaylah?” His eyes go wide and he instantly looks away. “What?” I laugh as I become overly suspicious.

He shakes his head. “Nope. Not going there.”

“Nah, no way,” I demand. “What’s going on? Did she say no? Did that dirty sluzza break your little heart? Do I need to kick her ass too?”

“First off,” he warns me. “Don’t call her a dirty sluzza or I’ll be forced to take disciplinary action.” I roll my eyes as he continues. “I…. uh,” cringe. “Couldn’t do it.”

“What?” I grunt. “What do you mean you ‘couldn’t do it’? Was she not there?”

“No… she was definitely there,” he explains. “I, uh… I chickened out like a little bitch. I couldn’t do it. I’m Jesse Fucking Ryder. I don’t ask out chicks. I screw them and give them bragging rights. I don’t date them. I mean, what if I did and it turned out badly? Every other chick I bang is going to expect something from me.”

Tags: Sheridan Anne Broken Hill High Romance